Person Centred Champions Report for 2009
Training We have trained over 400 staff in ‘Person Centred Thinking Skills’ since we came into post.
People who support us in training People at Work/college Relationship Map Family Friends People at home Good DayBad Day
Coaches Monthly Support Meetings These are enthusiastic staff who have done our 2 day ‘PCP Thinking Skills’ course. They help people back in their own organisations to have Person Centred Plans. In meetings this year we’ve learned how to help people have good ‘Health Action Plans’, put into practice ‘Person Centred Risk’ and how to develop a ‘Support Plan’ to gain money for peoples ‘Self Directed Support’. We tell good news stories and help to solve problems. Started list of ‘Tried and Tested Activities in East Lancs’.
Developing the Person Centred Website This website has been put together by the people of East Lancashire who think it’s great to have your own person centred plan. This tells you how You can make your personal plan You’ll see many people showing how they made their plans
We are the Champions July 2009 Issue 10 Person Centred Thinking New exciting website about person centred thinking and planning et Comment from one happy reader;- “Thanks for the news letter; I really enjoy reading it and am looking forward to the next one! “ Karen Birchall, Calderstones The Champions newsletter is widely distributed through and hard copy to people with learning difficulties, parents carers and other professionals Passes on good news stories, information and advice, to help people live the life they choose
Reviewing Support Plans with Castle Supported Living Cath Barton and Clare Sherliker are looking at support plans and finding what’s working and not working. They will then plan how this information can be used to influence commissioning to help people have the life they really want.
Learning Disability Fund Bid (LDDF) This was successful sow we are to be trained in more ways to help people with:- Positive and Productive Meetings Person Centred Risk Person Centred Reviews Support Planning Awareness Community Connecting
Care and Share Event St Peter’s Centre Burnley May 2009 We met and talked with lots of families and other professionals to tell them about ‘Person Centred Planning and Thinking’ and how they could get more help and advice. Cath led a workshop on how to help young people move well from Children’s to Adult Services and Joan put on a display of information.
Person Centred Reviews Strategy Day 5 th March 2009 Louise Skelhorn joined us to help professionals and families understand how moving from Children's Services to Adult Services could be done in a Person Centred way. Sharon Lees, Teachers, Young Peoples Services, Social Workers, Speech & Language Therapists, Psychologists, East Lancs Advocacy, Parents and young people came to learn and share information.
Transition Project with Ridgewood Community High School Cath has introduced person centred thinking tools to the FE Class. All the students now have One Page Profiles and two students have experienced Person Centred Reviews. Rebbecca Comments were: “My meeting was fantastic!” and “The meeting was much more informal, people felt more confident about giving their views and we really enjoyed it”. “Now all students in the class will be having PC Reviews”.
Transition at Pendle Community College & White Ash School Joan worked in two FE Departments introducing One Page Profiles and Person Centred Reviews. Now many young people have their own Profiles and one experienced a PC Review. Teachers, teaching assistants and Young Peoples Services have now experienced the process and are committed to work together in a person centred way. “My One page profile’s going to help me get to know new people and them to know me and help me get a job”. “I liked my Person Centred Review, it was good!” Leanne Becky
One Page profiles We’ve been helping people make their own One Page Profiles with the ELSUN group, Enfield Day Centred, DAWN, Garden Able and Whinberry Wood.
Person Centred Task Group These are dedicated people, including ELSUN and parents, who meet together to keep up to date with the latest developments and help to spread Person Centred Thinking and planning to everyone throughout East Lancs. Cath and Joan facilitate this meeting with the help of Lee who is the Chairperson.