Sharing for Progressing Presentation to the RegioStars Awards 2012 Category 1 Smart Growth 16 January 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Sharing for Progressing Presentation to the RegioStars Awards 2012 Category 1 Smart Growth 16 January 2012

Why ? n The attractiveness and dynamism of territories depend on their capacity of innovation n Rural areas have an innovation potential which is not developed enough and should contribute to territorial cohesion n Need to go beyond the mere exchange of Good Practices, hence the focus on the transfer of innovative Good Practices with concrete and tangible results contributes to promote and strengthen innovation.

n A network of European Regions aiming at reinforcing the effectiveness and efficiency of regional policies through the capitalisation and transfer of Good Practices (GPs) in the field of rural innovation. n A methodology of transfer aiming at going beyond the mere exchange of Good Practices & a specific methodological toolbox (database, fact sheets…) What is ?

Innovative dimension n The first European network/project to deliver an innovative service to its members: technical assistance & advice on the transfer of GPs. n GPs classified through their innovation level, based on a broad approach - not only technological, but also economical, social and environmental innovation, including organisational issues and territorial governance. n Innovative use of EU legislation funded by ERDF under Article 37-6b of EC Regulation 1083/2006.

Objectives Facilitating the Capitalisation and the Transfer of Good Practices between EU Regions Capitalisation & Transfer - 1 transfer methodology & tools GPs in database - 3 INTERREG IVC projects based on the transfer methodology - 40 action plans to be implemented (4 in Limousin started their operational phase) Partnerships & strategy - 30 member regions, 32 partners (from 17 EU member states) - 3 strategic conferences ( participants) - 40 people trained on Art 37-6b & participation to INTERACT pilot project - 3 political statements Outcomes Promoting rural innovation for Territorial Cohesion objectives & results Implementing innovative rural development projects within regional operational programmes

Impacts and sustainability At EU level n Synergies developed with 6 EU projects in terms of capitalisation and/or transfer methodology (especially INTERREG IVC projects). n A legal structure which is expected to strengthen the network and its sustainability. 2 options: setting up an EGTC or relying on an existing structure (for example AER). n Recognition of the added value of transfer and of the transfer methodology at EU level At regional level n Mainstreaming between Obj. 2 and 3 of Cohesion Policy 4 Pilot projects on Priority Axis 5 of the Limousin ERDF OP. n Exporting & Importing Regions mentoring from experienced regions which strengthens the sustainability of transfers

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