Environmental data collection and information systems in the Baltic Sea Juha-Markku Leppänen Marine Research Centre of SYKE EEA/EIONET Workshop Maritime and coastal information systems 18 and 19 Nov 2009, Trieste, Italy
Data collection Based on national and international commitments and requirements basic water quality monitoring compliance monitoring WFD requirements in coastal waters HELCOM COMBINE commitments covering the whole Baltic Sea MSFD to be decided Underwater habitat mapping (modelling and field mapping) Water level, Ice survey, Sediment monitoring, Remote sensing… d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d
Data handling Finnish National Oceanographic Data Centre hosted by SYKE and FMI Responsible for storing, QC and delivery ICES, IOC, BOOS, SeaDataNet, MyOcean…. Open access to monitoring data via Internet Web based information service – Baltic Sea Information Portal, including access to data Specific databases
HELCOM as the environmental information focal point in the Baltic Sea Cooperative Monitoring in the Baltic Marine Environment – COMBINE 1979 in open waters 1992 to cover the territorial waters Hydrography, nutrients, biology (plankton, coastal fish, benthos), hazardous substances Joint database hosted by ICES Pollution Load Compilation (PLC) loads of nutrients and hazardous substances Monitoring of radionuclides (MORS) Oil spill surveillance
Carried out by all Contracting States to HELCOM according to the COMBINE, PLC and MORS Manuals COMBINE & PLC
Based on the Automatic Identification System (AIS) Maritime traffic
Oils spills Aerial surveillance for detecting suspected offenders of anti-pollution regulations at sea. Twice per week over regular traffic zones. Other regions with sporadic traffic and fishing activities once per week. Coordinated Extended Pollution Control Flights (CEPCO), twice a year continuous surveillance of specific for 24 hours 210 detections in 2008
Indicator Database
Indicator Fact Sheets
Thematic Assessment
VFD and COMBINE data Assessment tools HEAT, BEAT and CHASE Holistic Assessment with new pressure index and aggregation tool Eutrophication, Biodiversity, Hazardous substances
Baltic Sea Pressure Index Nuclear power plant [1/0] Shipping intensity [0-1] Waterborne P [0- 1] Heavy metal deposition [0-1] Harbour [1/0] Pelagic trawling [0-1] Operating wind farm [1/0] Source and Impact value Grid of 20x20 km 2 cells Information from various sources Benthic Marine Landscape maps from the BALANCE project
Atmospheric deposition
Fishing pressure
Development of HELCOM Data and Geographic Information System Support the implementation of the HELCOM BSAP develop an interactive web-based map service Facilitate the implementation of various international initiatives EU INSPIRE Directive and related European processes, easy access to regional data on the state, and pressures acting upon marine environment supporting both European plans Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS), Water Information System for Europe (WISE) future WISE-Marine, MSP activities HELCOM Contracting States with their reporting requirements under the EU MSFDirective open access to HELCOM data
HELCOM marine spatial planning tool Functional marine spatial planning system based on GIS Provides access to relevant information on human activities and environmental parameters Under construction
Thank you When the information systems finally work…