Nationalism in Europe. Nationalism The belief that each nation or group of people should have their own country, with clearly defined borders, and their.


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Presentation transcript:

Nationalism in Europe

Nationalism The belief that each nation or group of people should have their own country, with clearly defined borders, and their own government. It is also the idea that people should be loyal to their country rather than to their leader. Finally, it is having pride in one’s country and being patriotic.

What makes a group a nation? Nationality (common ethnicity) Language (a language that all in the nation will speak) Culture (a shared way of life) History (common experiences) Religion (a religion for most or all people) Territory (the land for the nation)

Italian Unification Napoleon controlled until 1815 Congress of Vienna redraws Europe Italy made up of independent governments

Moving Toward Unification Groups within Italian states begin to push for unification of Italy Most wanted Austrians out of Northern Italy Literature starts to call for unification Different groups emerge: The Carbonari

Giuseppe Mazzini “poor man's lawyer” worked with L'indicatore genovese (newspaper) 1830 member of Carbonari Arrested in October 1830 Exiled in 1831 “Tin Man”

Mazzini’s Young Italy Young Italy called La giovine Italia God and the People was motto basic principle : the union of the several states and kingdoms into a single republic "One, Independent, Free Republic“ Failed uprising in 1833 Remember Copernicus?

Mazzini’s Fate Variety of uprisings and prison sentences Wrote several nationalistic papers and books Returned to Italy to help with First Italian War of Independence Died in Pisa in 1872

Camillo di Cavour Founder of Italian Liberal Party Prime Minister of Piedmont-Sardinia The “Scarecrow”

Political Career Entered politics in 1847 Prime Minister of Piedmont on 4 November Victor Emanuell II makes him Prime Minister of Italy Strain too much on him he dies June 7,1861 His last words were reportedly L'Italia è fatta, tutto è a posto ("Italy is made. All is safe.") [ [

Giuseppe Garibaldi "Hero of the Two Worlds" Member of Young Italy and Carbonari Exiled to the Americas Founded the Red Shirts

Garibaldi’s Achievements Helped lead riots in various cities Worked closely with Mazzini Commanded Navy in the Uragauy Civil War Returns to Italy to defend Rome during the First War of Italian Independence Fights in Second War of Italian Independence and Franco-Prussian War

The Legend Italian Independence Each man has role in Italian independence Garibaldi is the courage of the movement Mazzini is the Heart of the movement Cavour is the Brain of the movement

German Unification

Germany’s Makeup 39 different independent states Napoleon reorganized Holy Roman Empire The German Confederation Rise in German nationalism Prussian King Wilhem I appoints Otto von Bismark chancellor in 1862

Otto von Bismarck Member of the Junker class Conservative Machiavellian Use of Realpolitik “The great decisions of the day will not be decided by speeches and majorities, but by blood & iron.”

Steps Toward Unification Series of Wars to unify German states –Second war of Schleswig (1864), – the 7 Weeks War (1866), – the Franco-Prussian War ( )

Results of 7 Weeks War Prussia to annex some territory Bismarck excluded long-time rival Austria and most of its allies from the German Confederation Formed North German Confederation with the states that had supported Prussia. Ended Austrian dominance of the German nations.

Causes of the Franco-Prussian War German Prince Leopold offered throne of Spain. Following the protests in France, Leopold had withdrawn his acceptance in July 1870 French wanted a guarantee by the Prussian king that no member of his Hohenzollern family would ever be a candidate for the Spanish throne. Ems Dispatch issued leading to war

The Ems Dispatch The French had made certain demands under threat of war; and Wilhelm had refused them It was designed to give the French the impression that King Wilhelm I had insulted Count Benedetti Bismarck intended to give France an opportunity to declare a war, as part of his plan to unify Germany The French public was outraged. France declared war on July 19, 1870.

Ems Dispatch caused France to declare the Franco- Prussian War in July 1870 On 13 July 1870 King Wilhelm I of Prussia, was stopped by Count Benedetti the French ambassador to Prussia Benedetti had been instructed to present the French demand that the king should guarantee that he would never permit the candidacy of a Hohenzollern prince to the Spanish throne.

Ems Dispatch The meeting was informal with the king’s entourage at a discreet distance. Politely the king refused to bind himself to any course of action into the indefinite future. After their exchange, the two departed cooly. The King gave permission to Bismarck to release an account of the events.

Ems Dispatch Bismarck edited the report, sharpening the language. The French had made certain demands under threat of war; and Wilhelm had refused them. Certainly the edit of the telegram released to the media gave the impression both that Benedetti was rather more demanding and that the King was exceedingly abrupt. It was designed to give the French the impression that King Wilhelm I had insulted Count Benedetti; likewise, the Germans interpreted the modified dispatch as the Count insulting the King.

The Franco-Prussian War Prussian and German forces were superior Efficiently used the railroads Used steel artillery Prussian and German victories in eastern France Battle of Sedan on September 2: Napoleon III was captured with his whole army

End of The Franco Prussian War German armies defeated the newly recruited French armies Paris fell on January 28, January 18, 1871: the German states had proclaimed their union under the Prussian King, uniting Germany as a nation-state, the German Empire. The final peace Treaty of Frankfurt was signed May 10, 1871,

The proclamation of the German Empire January

Unified Germany 25 states 1871 Constitution of the German Empire Reichstag, elected by direct and equal male suffrage Prussia dominated the executive power (Kaiser) The Kaiser appointed the federal chancellor

Setting Up the Future Negotiated the Dual Alliance (1879) with Austria-Hungary Became the Triple Alliance in 1882 with Italy Triple Alliance sets up World War I