1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Accelerator Overview F. Willeke 8 th ASAC meeting for NSLS-II Project May 10-11, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Accelerator Overview F. Willeke 8 th ASAC meeting for NSLS-II Project May 10-11, 2011

2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Outline Overview of Progress since last ASAC Progress of Accelerator Physics Status of major Subsystems Start-up of Installation Preparation for Commissioning Schedule Remaining Issues and Risks

3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Overall Status of NSLS-II Accelerator Systems Design of NSLS-II Accelerator Systems is nearly complete The procurement process is far advanced and contracts most of major subsystems have been placed. Except for a few cases, the manufacturer’s designs have been approved by BNL and production has started NSLS-II Accelerator Systems is well in production phase and completion of the large productions ranges from ~20% - ~50% In-house integration of components is well underway Installation process has begun Preparations for commissioning are underway Detailed planning for operations has begun

4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Requirements Average Spectral Brightness: ·mm -2 ·mrad -2 ·s -1 ·0.1%bw -1 Spectral Flux Density : ·s -1 ·0.1%bw 2 keV Accelerator Main Parameters beam energy: 3 GeV beam intensity: 500mA Intensity Stability0.5%  Top-Off Injection mode small beam emittance:  x = < 1 nm rad,  y = 8 pm rad orbital stability:  y < 0.3  m RF Phase Stability0.01 Degree Number of beamlines > 60

5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Accelerator Physics Top-Off Safety Analysis: The new method of cascaded tracking turned out to be very helpful to detect extremely rare cases of particles entering into the photon extraction channel. Taking into account limiting aperture in the upstream part of the beamline frontend, these events can be completely suppressed. The analysis has been completed and the results are captured in a formal report which will be reviewed in July. LCM: For continuous 1Hz Injection: Need to confirm that injection losses occur in heavily shielded injection: Scraper system and glass-fiber rod Cerenkov loss monitor system defined and tested in NSLS Neutron monitor for detection of losses in the septum successfully tested at NSLS Linear Lattice : Reduction of horizontal beta from 20m to 3mm in the long straight appears to be possible with acceptable dynamic aperture  use of long straights for radiation devices is greatly enhanced and 6m long devices become more attractive

6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Accelerator Physics Dynamic Aperture: A tolerance study has been performed which indicated that the magnet field quality tolerances for quadrupole and sextupoles can be relaxed (not the large aperture magnets, though) Accelerator physics to closely following magnet production and checks acceptability of each deviation from specified values (integrated field, field angle, magnetic length, harmonics….) Impact of installation of SCW upstream/downstream the center of the straight investigated  acceptable weak symmetry breaking Chromaticity: Acceptable solutions with positive chromaticity have been found (existence proof)

7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Non-Chromatic Mirror symmetric pairs around SSS Non-Chromatic Mirror symmetric pairs around LSS Chromatic Sextupoles Translational Symmetric from achromat to achromat (Breaks weakly overall mirror symmetry) The 3 super-periods of a pentant are powered in series  9 families of sextupoles, each containing 6 magnets Sextupole Correction Scheme tunnel mezzanine Mitigation of  b 3 effect : sort sextupoles in 6 bins shifted

8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Designs Completed since last ASAC Beamline Frontends, final design review in October ‘10 Vacuum shielded bellows were reviewed in September ‘10 and redesigned Synchrotron Radiation Absorbers were reviewed in September ‘10 and redesigned S4A Inconel vacuum chamber was redesigned based on extruded Aluminum Damping Wiggler Chamber Damping wigglers EPU undulators IVU and SRX undulators Superconducting Cavity design Cryogenic plant Transfer-line magnets DI-water pumping skid Main Power supply Storage Ring Pulsed Injection Magnets …

9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Major Designs being Completed Beam Position Monitor Electronics In-house development of BPM electronics went quite well. Performance tests with beam (at ALS) and in the laboratory on prototypes confirm that the demanding NSLS-II parameters (0.2  m resolution & stability) are met. The final layouts of the analog and digital PCB now in progress with start of procurement in July ’11 (injector BPMs) and October ‘11 (Storage Ring BPM) Insertion Device In-Vacuum Undulator IVU22 This high flux device is optimized for installation in a long straight where it produces 9 keV radiation with gets filtered down to an energy width of only 0.1 meV on target. After exploring several options, the decision has been made to move forward with the design of a 3m long room temperature in vacuum device. A reference design has been completed, specifications are being developed Beamline Frontends : Drawings being finalized and procurement docs in preparation (Glidcop for mask-, absorber-, and slit- systems ordered)

10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Major Procurements in Progress Main Dipole Power Supply, SOW and SPEC completed, RFP published SRX IVU21, length 1.5m, Finalization of procurement documents, RFP to be published in June IVU20: 3m long Standard IVU, design completed, procurement documents being circulated for concurrence, RFP in July Injector Utility Piping, bids will be received mid-May Storage Ring Injection Pulsed Magnets : RFP published in April

11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Major Procurements Completed since October 2010 DI water piping (Al- and Cu-water, compressed air) in the accelerator tunnel Booster RF Transmitter System, order placed in October 2010 Superconducting Cavities (500 MHz single cells, 2 cryo modules) placed in April 2011 Damping Wiggler (6x 3.5m) order placed November 2010 Three-Pole Wiggler placed in February 2011 Elliptical Polarized Wiggler, 2 x 2m modules, order placed in April 2011 Ti Sublimation Pumps and their power-supplies (280 units) RF Shielded gate valves (62 units) was placed in December 2010 Transfer-line Magnet order placed in Nov 2010 Transfer-line Optical Monitors, order placed in January 2011 Power Supply Components: PSC, PSI, Regulator-Cards, Power Converters AC breakers, Chassis UPS Systems, contract awarded in October 2010 Cable Trays for Tunnel and Mezzanine (scoped transferred to CF) All cable for NSLS-II ordered (and received) DI-water skids for secondary cooling water circuits (13 skids), contract awarded in March 2010 …  Awarded Contract Value Oct’10- Apr’11 : > 32% of AS Large Procurements ~80% of large procurements completed to date Next 5 months: plan to award rest of procurements (16 % of AS large procurement)

12 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Completed Productions All Al extrusions for vacuum chambers S1-S6 were in house in January 2011, production of AL vacuum chambers for dipoles and multipoles ~40% complete 1825 DCCT’s have been received and tested (March ’11) 3rd harmonic passive superconducting cavity cryo-system completed in March ’11 All cable for NSLS-II was received in February-March ‘11 Equipment Enclosures are far advanced in production, 43% of 525 were delivered in March ’11 Storage Ring Timing System completed in April ‘11

13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Injection Systems LINAC : ► production underway: gun, accelerating structures, modulators, klystrons progress as planned, ► NSLS-II benefits from lessons learned at previous productions (solid state modulator mechanical design, no glued cooling channels on acc. structures, etc) ► ambitious gun-pulser behind schedule  go with a more simple device(existing design) in parallel which is adequate for commissioning; commissioning preparations started ► Delivery and Start Installation: Mid-August 2011, injector building ready end of July (tight) ► Preparation of commissioning started (ASE and SAD documents completed) Booster: ► Design reviews went well and on schedule, large number of special components provided by BNL ► prototype production started, dipoles, quadrupoles sextupoles already available, vacuum chamber production started, pulsed magnet design progressed well, well advanced, still on track ► Delivery: January 2012 Transferlines : Magnets in production, vacuum design in progress, production of LTBTL vacuum systems will start soon, diagnostics in production (in particular OTR/ Luminescence screens). Power supplies in production Injector Mechanical and Electrical Utilities : Tight schedule because injector building is late (concern) Pulsed Magnets for SR : Conceptual design studies performed, pulsed magnet lab for prototyping and measurements set-up, procurement for kicker and septa magnets and pulsers started, RFP published in April.

14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Storage Ring Magnets Start-up of storage ring magnet production was delayed by up to 6 month due to technical difficulties. NSLS-II worked with the vendor to get the problems under control, at this point all technical issues with quadrupoles, sextupoles and correctors are resolved, most vendors are in production Status: Quadrupoles: Production of 60 25cm and 60 40cm quadrupoles at BINP started in February, 50% of the work for 60 25cm magnets already completed, 5 magnets received, 9 further magnets ready for shipment Quadrupoles : Production of 90 symmetric and 30 non-symmetric 25cm long quadrupoles expected to start in June, as technical problems appear to be solved, PRR on May 20. Sextupoles: Production 160 symmetric sextupoles at Danfysik well along, 30% of the production completed Sextupoles: Production of 75 wide sextupoles started at IHEP, IHEP is in full production since January but has completed only 5 magnets, 39 magnets in different stages of the production Large Aperture Quadrupoles and Sextupoles: Production of quadrupoles started, production of sextupoles expected to follow in May’11 Dipoles: Problem with delamination, manufacturer has built new assembly hall with improved curing furnish, transverse dimensions increased, first 90mm dipole received

15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Magnet Production and Girder Installation At this point ~20% of the magnet production effort has been accomplished 99 magnets have been received, 47 magnets have been accepted So far no impact on end of girder installation milestone

16 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Girder Integration Magnets received form a vendor undergo thorough acceptance testing in the magnet facility of building 902. After electrical and mechanical tests, and survey on each magnet magnetic measurement are performed (initially all magnets are measured in-house) Then magnets are pre-aligned on girders and high precision-aligned in the environmental room Solving the technical problem with production required intense work on magnet measurement and handling (separating magnet halves). This provided good training for the full production with magnets per week All the alignment fixtures and procedures have been refined. The first girder was fully assembled in March including magnets, vacuum and diagnostics components and support systems. Unfortunately some of the magnets on that girder were damaged during air shipment and had to be sent back to the manufacturer

17 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES First Fully Integrated NSLS-II Magnet Girder

18 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Power Supply System NSLS-II Power Supplies are designed in house MP and Corrector PS: Combination of in-house designed components and standard vendor components, In-house integration Most procurements are well underway. Power supply installation will start in June. First power tests could be carried out in August’11

19 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Electrical Utilities Equipment enclosures are in full production now 50 % of the production was already delivered to BNL Production will not be limited by the vendors manufacturing capabilities Installation of equipment enclosures on the ring building mezzanine has started All cable for NSLS-II has been received and is stored on site, Installation of AC connection from load panel to racks will start in this month Cable trays have been outsourced to building contractor, cable trays for the tunnel and the mezzanine of pentant 1 are completed. Delivery of the UPS has started, all systems for pentant 1 and 2 received in the ring building Based on Booster PS design, the electrical utilities in the injector building is modified and re-optimized.

20 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES RF RF transmitters for Storage Ring (2 systems) and Booster in production after successful design final reviews last months Contract for the cryogenic lq He plant has been awarded in February. This will be a vendor designed, produced, installed and commissioned turn-key system Non-linear Stress analysis for the SSC was successfully completed and the system has been found in compliance with BNL safety regulations. Among the modification is the increase of the wall thickness from 2.5 mm to 3 mm Contracts for 2 CESR-B type 500MHz single cell superconducting cavities was awarded in April The 3 rd harmonic double-cell passive superconducting cavity which was designed in-house has been built by the company Niowave under an SBIR. The cavity will be delivered to BNL where we will mount to external HOM absorbers The NSLS-II low level RF controls were successfully tested with beam at the Canadian Light Source. The test confirmed that the system meets specification. Direct comparison with existing LLRF systems show the superiority of the new NSLS-II system

21 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Instrumentation Storage ring BPM button production has progressed well (though not without issues) The in-house development of the BPM electronics is quite successful so-far. Analogue and digital boards have been developed, interactively prototyped and successfully tested with beam. The demanding resolution and stability requirement of 0.2 microns for averaged orbit data can be achieved even without the foreseen continuous relative calibration of the 4 input channels. Production of the nits for the injector will start in July and the storage ring production will start in October Design of optical monitoring is nearing completion. Locations have been agreed upon with EF, hatches and detection systems have been designed Active damper system design is well advanced. Power amplifier orders were placed in March Enclosure for Optical Beam Monitoring

22 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Agreed Upon Locations of Storage Ring Diagnostics Systems

23 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Vacuum Systems 40% complete Al vacuum chamber production goes as planned, short S4A and S5A chambers in production now Shielded bellow and absorbers were redesigned and preproduction units are being manufactured Large quantities of NEG, Ion and Ti Sublimation pumps are produced, RF shielded Gate valves are in production, Design if ID chambers started, DW chamber design complete, ready for procurement Outstanding are devices connected to photon-extraction ports which are gaining momentum

24 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Mechanical Systems and Front Ends Slow Gate Valve Photon Shutter XBPM 1 Fast Gate Valve Ratchet Wall Collimator Dual Safety Shutters Safety Shutter Collimator Collimator Fixed Apert. Mask XBPM 2 Bending Magnet photon shutter X-Y Slits Ion Pump & TSP Beam Sweeper magnet Design of front end components completed Final checking of drawing for the masks in progress Di-Water Piping being installed, 1rst Pentant complete Contract awarded for production and installation of DI water skids in the service building (need DI water circuits for Cu (5), AL (5) in each Service Building, Injector Building (1) and RF building (1)

25 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Controls Large number of controls hardware components at hand: timing, network equipment database-, boot-, hardware-, web-, network servers, network monitoring system, VME crates – have enough in hand to start point to point check out, CPU Boards Soft IOCs, 30 IBM x3550N3 processors, cPCI crates, cPCI CPU, Moxa-terminal  Controls is ready for installation of the first pentant Architecture for fast deterministic data transfer fully developed Controls for all hardware systems have been developed and prototype Application programming in progress Database continuously developed, used to capture data from component acceptance measurement High level applications and integration of accelerator physics modeling well advanced, choose PYTHON as the main platform for high level physics application

26 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Insertion Devices Status Excellent progress in the last 6 months: Magnetic Measurement Laboratory will be completed end of May Damping Wiggler contract has been awarded in Nov ‘10, Final Design review in May In-Vacuum Undulator (SRX-IVU & Standard IVU), Procurement in Progress, RFP in preparation In-Vacuum Undulator (IXS-IVU), design complete, SOW Spec Documents completed Elliptically Polarized Undulator (EPU), contract awarded in April Three Pole Wiggler (3PW), contract awarded in March, PDR May 6

27 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Installation Installation just started in pentant 1 of the ring building Building BOD for P1 was delayed by 6 weeks due to severe winter weather conditions. Contractor spent additional time to complete the punch list after BOD Cable trays, DI-water piping and survey monument were installed in parallel starting pre-BOD. AS was able to prepare for installation and to store equipment and materials in the building Since 2 weeks ago, installation of AS component has started to ramp up: Electronics racks ~20% Preparation of Girder installation: floor plates in the first lattice cell of P1 P1

28 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Commissioning Preparation for commissioning has continued The formal documents needed to obtain permission to commission the LINAC with beam (ASE and SAD) have been developed and reviewed by the Laboratory safety committee There were only a few issues to be resolved Committee recommended to proceed with the authorization procedure A effort has been made to provide a database containing all data needed for commissioning the accelerator chain Data processes and data structures are being defined

29 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Accelerator Schedule DESIGN Production Installation Testing Commissioning

30 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Accelerator Systems – Cost & Schedule Performance

31 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Analysis of Schedule Delays If BCWS is shifted by 3 months, BCWS and WBWP are on top of each other  There is a 3 months accumulated delay  so far no signs that the situation is getting worse despite increasing absolute schedule variance Contributions to schedule variances which are incorrect and to be fixed: LINAC is ahead of schedule but shows 993k$ of variance due to unfortunate choice of milestones DW is more or less on track but there is a reporting issue

32 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Remaining Risks Many of the risks of Accelerator systems have been reduced and some risks have been retired. However the schedule risk with magnets and superconducting cavities became more severe New risk on installation labor shortage has been mitigated with a recent PCR ($3M)

33 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Summary NSLS-II accelerator systems have moved successfully into production of components in industry Large progress has been made recently in completing designs and procurement The majority of large (>$100k) and critical procurements (technically challenging, few vendors) are completed (~80%) and the production of components in industry has started, The most critical area are magnets where, despite considerable technical progress, production is not yet at full rate and is about 6 months behind schedule Other large productions such as LINAC, Booster, vacuum chambers, vacuum pumps, equipment enclosures have progressed well with a significant fraction of the production already completed Most of the technical challenges have been met; there are no major technical issues left, the main challenge remains to keep the accelerator schedule under control AS is about three months behind schedule (constant since 2009) which is within the available float; however there is no room for further significant delay On average, ASD procurements are within budgeted costs. Cost of several critical systems remained below budgeted cost which made room for cost increase in some areas Contingency has been used for scope increase (2 nd transmitter) and adjustment of the labor resources Installation has started but in progressing quite slowly Overall accelerator systems are proceeding steadily towards completion of the project