1 Jérôme Euzenat Instruments for the semantic web
2 Proposal 1: OntoWeb The OntoWeb experience has been very successful in: putting people together; promotting European proposals to the world; promotting the semantic web idea to industry. Keep on improving on that!
3 Proposal 2: Kick-off software factory Fund ONE project for sheltering high-quality collaborative software developments (à la Apache): Generic software + experimental application (see next point) +resource (ontologies, transformations) repositories Open source See SWAD.
4 Proposal 2: What software? RDF/OWL/… API RDF/OWL/… Transformations Annotation software Inference engine Development pattern
5 Proposal 3: Semantic web for the people Give all the people what they need; Personal information management: calendar, people, places, references, etc. Many different applications (where to meet, how to get there, etc.). Can quickly provide a huge mass of data and drain a huge mass of users: thats bootstrapping.
6 Proposal 4: data, data, data… RDF is the standard Various formalisms can be used for expression ontologies on these data; Several ontologies can be used for manipulating the same data… Lets start with our PIM data…
7 RDF (graph) paints fname lname paints Pablo Picasso 1904 created 1937 created Painting Painter rdf:type [Christophides 2001]