1 Experiences in the Netherlands with Strategic Research Agendas ir. Willem J. Zwalve November 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Experiences in the Netherlands with Strategic Research Agendas ir. Willem J. Zwalve November 2005

Whats the problem? 2. LTIs as a solution 3. Selection 4. Four conrcrete examples 5. Lessons learnt 6. The new innovation policy 7. Key Business Areas 8. Programmes 9. The future of LTIs 10. The Food and Nutricion Case

3 The European Paradox: the case of The Netherlands High Public Research and Low Private R&D High Quality Public Research (Nl nr. 10 in the world in output and nr. 3 in citation-impact) but Little Commercial Use: mismatch between supply and demand of scientific/techn. knowledge European Summits Lisbon 2000/Barcelona 2002: Action needed to make better use of high quality public research

4 Creating Leading Technology Institutes (1998) PPP Businessplan Private sector investment Call for proposals Government role: matchmaking - organiser of selection proces and budget (± 50%)

5 Selection criteria Proposals by companies Aimed at - scientific excellence - economic impact Focus and mass

6 4 LTIs NetherlandsInstitute for Metals Research (turnover 2004: 16,75 mln; gvt.subs.45%) Dutch Polymer Institute (turnover 2004: 18 mln; gvt.subs.43%) Telematics Institute (turnover 2004: 15,6 mln; gvt.subs. 32%) Wageningen Centre for Food Sciences (turnover 2004: 14,9 mln; gvt.subs. 42%)

7 Lessons learnt Business in the driver seat works Business plans executed succesfully Make a better connection with SRAs of companies Invest in absorbtion capacity Difficult to attract top level researchers Creating international Centre of Excellence takes time Focus and mass created succesfully What to do next?

8 Generic measures for all companies Programmes General terms and conditions The new approach

9 The new innovation policy Making choices for key business areas Demand-driven and tailor-made programmes Aimed at having an impact and making a difference Integral approach: From basic research to pre compatitive development Only one flexible funding scheme

10 The new innovation policy (2) Key Business Areas Programmes Projects

11 What is a key business area? A key business area –where innovation plays important role, –with strong industrial commitment & ambition –with all relevant stakeholders involved (universities + companies + institutes) Based on an organised network, with a shared vision and strategic agenda, Starting point for generating programmes

12 What is a programme? A detailed roadmap to realise the ambitions Internationally outstanding Ambitious Focus & mass / impact Public-private partnership, where industry is willing to make a substantial investment The time horizon is 4-5 years

13 The future of LTIs? Integrate LTIs in broader programmes Develop a matching applied research portfolio More than just RTD - SMEs - Sustainability - Rules and regulations - Attracting students Connect programmes to FP

14 Industrie F&N DeltaAn integrated approach Applicatie R&D (A&F, TNO, NIZO) Universiteiten 1e 2e WCFS+ High- Tech MKB Medium- Tech MKB Joint Research Development Programme Communication, Training and Technology Transfer Curiosity driven research