Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft.NET Platform
Overview Introduction to the.NET Platform Overview of the.NET Framework Benefits of the.NET Framework The.NET Framework Components Languages in the.NET Framework
Introduction to the.NET Platform The.NET Framework.NET My Services The.NET Enterprise Servers Visual Studio.NET
Overview of the.NET Framework Win32 MessageQueuingCOM+ (Transactions, Partitions, Object Pooling) IISWMI Common Language Runtime.NET Framework Class Library ADO.NET: Data and XML XML Web Services User Interface Visual Basic C++C# ASP.NET PerlJ#…
Benefits of the.NET Framework Based on Web standards and practices Designed using unified application models Easy for developers to use Extensible classes Windows API Visual Basic Forms MFC/ATLASP.NET Framework
The.NET Framework Components Common Language Runtime.NET Framework Class Library ADO.NET: Data and XML Web Forms and XML Web Services User Interface for Windows
Common Language Runtime Base Class Library Support Thread Support COM Marshaler Type Checker Exception Manager MSIL to Native CompilersCodeManagerGarbageCollector Security Engine Debug Engine Class Loader
.NET Framework Class Library System.Globalization System.Diagnostics System.Configuration System.Collections System.IO System.Reflection System.Net System System.Threading System.Text System.SecuritySystem.Runtime.InteropServices
ADO.NET: Data and XML DataSetDataRow DataTableDataView System.Data System.Xml.Schema System.Xml.Serialization System.Xml
ASP.NET Web Forms and XML Web Services System.Web Configuration SessionState Caching Security Services Description Discovery Protocols UI HtmlControls WebControls
User Interface for Windows System.Drawing System.Windows.Forms
Languages in the.NET Framework C# – Designed for.NET New component-oriented language Managed Extensions to C++ Enhanced to provide more power and control Visual Basic.NET New version of Visual Basic with substantial language innovations JScript.NET New version of JScript that provides improved performance and productivity J#.NET. NET Java-language support enabling new development and Java migration Third-party Languages
Review Introduction to the.NET Platform Overview of the.NET Framework Benefits of the.NET Framework The.NET Framework Components Languages in the.NET Framework