By: Chaseng X. Jared H. Arthritis
Nutrition Essential Questions We learned that there are hundreds of kinds of arthritis diseases It doesn’t take much of planning, you just need to take care of your body, eat healthy, and work out. If you stay in shape you will have a lower chance with getting diagnosed with arthritis or any other diseases. Having more fruits and vegetables will give you the vitamins you need. You wont die as fast.
What Is Arthritis? Arthritis is the inflammation and stiffness of your joints
How do you get Arthritis? There are many possibilities to get arthritis, one is by the genetics of your family, another way you can get it is basically age if you are in your 50’s or 60’s you have a get possibility to get arthritis. And lastly is you are overweight it is a high chance to get arthritis in your knees. Or anywhere else that pressure is put on.
How Does Arthritis Affect Your Diet? This can affect your diet and exercise heavily because, you will not want to work out because of the pain. And working out can affect the level of arthritis you have from your weigth.
Is There a Cure? For most of them no, but there is a treatment process kind of like therapy for years but its not a cure.
How Does Exercise Play A Role In Arthritis? Exercise wasn’t recommended for arthritis but research has shown that it plays a big role for the joints because it can reduce pain and stiffness.
How Does Technology Play A Role? Technology allows scientist and doctors to research and help people with arthritis, also texting can lead to a syndrome similar to arthritis.
How Does Nutrient Play A Role? Being over weight puts stress on the joints and nutrients helps prevent arthritis. For dinner you could have a fatty fish which are salmon, herring and sardines. For breakfast you could have a lot of vitamin C and that can be oranges, and lemons. Orange juice is also good. For lunch you could have something that is healthy with a olive oil.
Other Important Info Needed The main thing people should know there are over a hundred different strains of this disease, so if you may have this go to your doctor to figure out what you can eat to help your strain.
Sources basics/a/arthritis_facts.htm oarthritis/articles/fight_arthritis_10_foods_t hat_help_and_hurt.aspx.” oarthritis/articles