A guide to being a king By: Pluk Korsen
Contents War Wife Barons Parliament The church contents War Finding a wife The barons The Church Parlement
How to be successful at war. To be able to be successful at war, you have to have an strong army. And to be able to have a strong army, you must help, support and trust the men. You also need to have the right gear…like strong swords and knives. Also try the select the best horses you have. Never give up fighting for your country. Keep pushing until you win, even if there's a chance of you deing. If you fight hard for your country the people will cherish you. To be able to be successful at war, you have to have an strong army. And to be able to have a strong army, you must help, support and trust the men. You also need to have the right gear…like strong swords and knives. Also try the select the best horses you have. Never give up fighting for your country. pushing until you win, even if there's a chance of you dying. If you fight hard for your country the people will cherish you. For example: Henry V was remembered as a hero for fighting for his country. How to be succesful at war.
Finding a wife. Finding the perfect wife was a hard part of a king reign they needed to be: Fertile- they should be able to have children strong- should be able to support themselves and their own rights. Caring- she should look up to the king and be a successful mother to her children. Beautiful- she should always look like a queen pretty hair, body and face. She should also be dressed nice in dresses/gowns. Finding a wife. Finding the perfect wife was a hard part of a kings reign. They needed to be: Fertile- they should be able to have children Strong- should be able to support themselves and their own rights. Caring- she should look up to the king and be a successful mother to her children. Beautiful- she should always look like a queen pretty hair, body and face. She should also be dressed nice in dresses/gowns. Finding a wife.
How to control the barons. Trust-Always let the barons trust you, so that they can provide you with everything you need. Always keep faith-the barons are very religious, if you keep faith and trust the church, they will trust you. Share your opinions- Before doing anything share it with the barons they might be able to help you out. LOSE BARONS TRUST=UNSUCCESFUL REIGN Trust-Always let the barons trust you, so that they can provide you with everything you need. Always keep faith-the barons are very religious, if you keep faith and trust the church, they will trust you. Share your opinions- Before doing anything share it with the barons they might be able to help you out. LOSE BARONS TRUST=UNSUCCESFUL REIGN The Barons
The church. Don't quarell with the pope-the pope can control YOU more than you can control HIM. For example:when John quarelled with the pope he got FURIOUS therefore he wrote the Magna Carta, which ruined Johns life. Dont turn yourself head of the church-For example: Henry VIII became the new head of the Protestant church,but his new church was more Protestant than he really wanted. LISTEN TO GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! For example Henry VIII thought God was punishing him for marrying his brothers widow since she wasn't having children,well one,which wasn't a son.
Parlement Parliament Taxes-we all know that taxes are a very important element in a kings reing and country. They should not be to high or low. Too high means people will be upset with you and so will the parliament, but at the same time they cant be low so that you can pay war,churches,moastries etc. KEEP BALANCED=RESPECT Pass suitable laws-DONT go to crazy on the laws keep them simple anD suitable. Dont make yourself Judge people will think youre annoying=NOT SUCCESSFUL KING.