Democracy Schools in Indonesia Indonesian Community for Democracy (KID)
THE VISION of KID Three basic concepts: Democracy is understood as universal values that are worth defending, regardless of who we are and where we live. Democracy is understood as contextual realization of these universal values, in accordance with local cultural values and historical particularities where it is applied. Participation is the very backbone of democracy. In order for political participation to be substantial, it should meet two prerequisites: The quantity of participation and the quality of discourse.
THE MISSION of KID To facilitate citizens to be committed to a democratic system as a means to meet their political aspirations and, through their political participation, further a safe, peaceful, just, prosperous and plural society. To build democracy as a bridge between people, politicians, political institutions, civil society and the business community, to make use of opportunities to monitor every public decision-making process that has a direct or indirect impact on peoples lives.
Preparation by KID 1.Assessment 2.Tender – selection of Implementing Agency Contract between Implementing Agency (IA) and KID Proposal and budget Preparation by Implementing Agency 1.Socialization 2.Recruitment of Facilitators and School participants 3.Workshop on School Curriculum and schedule Implementation of the Democracy School 1.In Class Activities 2.Out of Class Activities 1.Capacity Building for Implementing Agency and Facilitators 2.Monitoring and Evaluation 1.Facilitators 2.Program Staff 3.Students/School Participants Examination Monitoring and Evaluation 1.Modules 2.Monitoring- Evaluation Instruments 3.Resource Persons
THE OBJECTIVES The Schools are required to: Generate a pool of young, strategically capable, democratically active and committed individuals. Set up and develop Community Committees (alumni groups) that will be agents of change in the transformation of democracy at the local level Facilitate a dynamic network among the local 4 pillars of democracy (civil society, political society, bureaucracy, business community) Participants are required to: Be capable of interaction among the 4 pillars of democracy in the local political landscape Demonstrate democratic knowledge, values and skills. Articulate issues of democracy in the local or national political landscape: a. write and publish 5 articles in the local print media, or b. organize talk shows in the local radio/TV stations, or c. organize events of public participation, or d. organize hearings in the local parliament
Essential Elements of the Democracy Schools Implementing Agency : to ensure all the activities are running well Facilitators: to assist the Implementing Agency in developing suitable curriculum and selecting the School participants; and to assist the participants in their learning process (in and out class activities) full time facilitators Participants: from the 4 pillars of democracy (Civil Society, Bureaucracy, Political Parties and Business Community) Supporting tools (modules, class room, equipments, resource persons)
SOCIAL PREPARATION Before the School is implemented the Implementing Agency needs to meet the local authorities and leaders to introduce the program and get their consent. If required the KID will assist the IA to get the authorities approval. Meeting the District Head of Jeneponto Meeting the indigenous and village leaders Seminar on the School of Democracy
Management Preparation of the Implementing Agency Recruitment of Facilitators the School needs full-time facilitators to assist the participants during their development Criteria for facilitators: Have basic knowledge of democracy, politics and civil society Have read all the modules developed by KID Have the experience in facilitating training at least 5 years consecutively Believe in democracy and pluralism Tolerance and respect with regard to different opinions Always trying to find non-violent solutions Skilled in negotiation and conflict resolution Have the ability to communicate effectively
Management Preparation of the Implementing Agency Workshop on School Curriculum: develop a locally based curriculum (involving IA, facilitators and representatives of KID) Training the facilitators by KID: from the Schools objectives to the strategies and the necessary skills Recruitment of the School Participants: through local media (radio, TV and newspapers) Workshop for facilitators and implementing agency to discuss the curriculum and schedule
Recruitment of School Participants 30 per School per year Recruitment by means of radio, newspapers, flyers, banners, invitation letters to organizations Selection phase 1: Administration (the Curriculum Vitae) Selection phase 2: Written test (essay) Selection phase 3: Interviews Each School may have different strategies (for instance the School in East Java carries out an aptitude and personality test) interview Written test Selection announcement aptitude and personality test
Criteria for participants aged between 21 and 40 formal education: senior high school live and/or work in the regency or city where the School of Democracy is located personal and professional commitment to the transformation of democratic society references from local individuals or institutions
TEAM BUILDING Explaining the participants what they are going to learn Agreeing on rule of the game: code of conduct & learning contract Getting to know one another (participants, the Implementing Agency and the Facilitators) The learning contract Team building activity
THE MODULES REFERENCE MODULES (KID) The Development of Democratic Thinking and Practices Political System and Government Social Movements Public Policy Democratic Conception Local Legislation and Democracy Democracy and Human Rights Business and Democracy Societal Analysis Civil Society (in press) LOCAL MODULES (Implementing Agency) Leadership Journalism – Writing Skills Budgeting Conflict Resolution based on Local Culture and Practices Gender Mainstreaming Labor, State and Capital Reading Skills Religion and Democracy
IN CLASS MEETING Based on the modules, in class meetings use various methods, techniques and media: group discussions, role play case studies, video, flipcharts, power point presentations, film and documentaries.
IN CLASS MEETING Resource persons may be invited to give the participants more in-depth understanding of certain issues. Resource persons come from KID, local universities, government institutions, NGOs, media and other relevant (local) organizations.
The Out of Class Activities Out of class activities aim at giving the participants an opportunity to practice what they have learned in class The facilitators assist the participants, starting from the preparation, development of Terms of Reference and fund raising when necessary. The Implementing Agency assists with administration, communicating with resource persons (if required) and providing equipment. The facilitators and the participants get together in one of the participants house discussing the coming radio talk show
The Out of Class Activities Radio Talk Show with the participants as show masters. Sometimes resource persons are invited to join. Shows are broadcast live. Audience interacts by calling in and sending text messages TV Talk Shows (similar set-up as radio shows) Meeting the local/district government where the participants of the School discuss the governance system, including public services, local problems and possible solutions
The Out of Class Activities Community Meetings. The participants meet local leaders and discuss with them local values, with special emphasis on traditional ways in dealing with conflicts. Field assignments. The participants stay in a village and gather data related to local democracy practices as part of the assignment in social analysis. Public Dialogue Meetings between the participants, local bureaucrats, NGOs, the business community and political parties to discuss current issues such as religion and democracy, multiculturalism, elections, etc.
EVALUATION - Graduation The Evaluation System: –Attendance10% –Participation20% –Assignment35% –Examination35% A certificate is given to participants completing all the requirements examination
MONITORING AND EVALUATION of Democracy School Activity-Based Evaluation –monthly report Participant Progress (portfolio) – mid year evaluation/report Mid year and final report Regular field visits by KID The file of the School Participants
Improving the capacity of Implementing Agency and Facilitators Throughout the year, KID endeavors to guard and enhance the quality of the Schools: Training for Implementing Agencies (Financial Management, Strategic Management) Training of Facilitators with regard to modules and facilitating skills Partners Meeting to share experiences and best practices, and review the progress of the Schools Meeting of Implementing Agencies to share experiences and best practices Training of Trainers where facilitators share experiences and enhance their capacity as the facilitators of Democracy School
Preparation by KID 1.Assessment 2.Tender – selection of Implementing Agency Contract between Implementing Agency (IA) and KID Proposal and budget Preparation by Implementing Agency 1.Socialization 2.Recruitment of Facilitators and School participants 3.Workshop on School Curriculum and schedule Implementation of the School of Democracy 1.In Class Activities 2.Out of Class Activities 1.Capacity Building for Implementing Agency and Facilitators 2.Monitoring and Evaluation 1.Facilitators 2.Program Staffs 3.Students/School Participants Examination Monitoring and Evaluation 1.Modules 2.Monitoring- Evaluation Instruments 3.Resource Persons
Alumni of the Democracy Schools Between , 1450 alumni, in 8 regions On average 15-20% became members of various political parties (in one of the regions 50%!) More then 80 alumni ran for office in parliamentary elections in April became legislators in district parliaments 1 became legislator in a provincial parliament 32 became village heads (ongoing elections for the executive) 86 became member of Election Committee or Election Monitoring Body (district and provincial levels) For the parliamentary elections of 2014, 127 alumni have registered to run for office (5 provincial and 2 national level)
Alumni of the Democracy Schools: Community Committees In eight regions, alumni are now active as a group in so-called Community Committees (CCs) According to KID: CCs should not act as ordinary NGOs in Indonesia (anti-politics), but be mediators in their respective communities; CCs should be agents of change CCs are to bridge the gap between civil society and political society CCs are to address local problems by involving all stakeholders
Thank you Teams of the Democracy Schools