Youth in Focus Rani Mann and Kathryn Robinson Transition Leaving Care Walsall Children & Young People’s Services September 2010
Introduction 500 children in care in Walsall Care leavers move onto independence at the age of 16 to 18 This isn't as easy as it sounds Data shows that care leavers are at a higher risk of social exclusion and poorer outcomes than their peers 34% of young people were homeless within 1 year of leaving care ( University of York ) 29% are not in education, training or employment at the age of 19 compared to 10% of other young people 27% of adult prisoners have spent time in care compared with 2% of the general public 24% are 16 years old when they leave care. The average age to leave home in the UK is 24 11% of care leavers gain 5 good GCSE’s compared with the national average of 56% 4 times more likely to have mental health disorders 3 times more likely to become teenage mothers Source - [ October 2008]
Who are TLC TLC is the Transition & Leaving Care Service Its primary purpose is to provide support and a successful transition for young people leaving care It works with 220 young people between the ages of 16 and 21 and supports them into independence It also supports those with LLD or who are in higher education up to the ages of 24 It provides support and guidance to raises their aspirations and improve their life chances Through a team of diverse experts in the fields of social work, advocacy, education, accommodation, health, employment, leisure and finances
Care Leaver’s : Needs Love, support and more than once chance to get things right A good parent Time and patience To be listened to Financial support Somewhere to live Good role models Be taught basic life skills Guidance and good advice Help with school and college work, and help to get a job To be encouraged to achieve and be given a sense of self worth Support not just to survive but to flourish
Care Leaver’s : Gaps MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES MH issues are a barrier to achieving success in housing, education, employment etc. Young people have to access adult MH services after 16 and can involve a very lengthy wait. Young people may be reluctant to access MH services due to stigma attached. ACCOMMODATION Stable accommodation is vital to success in other areas. Young people may find it hard at first to manage independent living, end up labelled as bad tenants and become homeless. If a foster placement or return home breaks down a young person may have nowhere to go. FRIENDSHIP Young people can be lonely and vulnerable → unhealthy relationships and friendships → crime, substance misuse, DV, prostitution or mental health issues. BASIC LIFE SKILLS Young people can often the lack the day to day skills we take for granted e.g. changing a light bulb, making a meal, paying a bill. Having the basic skills would help them grow in maturity. LEISURE TIME Money very tight for a care leaver. No funds to enjoy leisure activities or go on holiday. This would help develop broaden horizons, increase social skills and improve mental wellbeing. SPECIALIST SUPPORT A proportion of care leavers have LDD. We also have a duty to support UASC (Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children). These are supported by TLC but sometimes would require specialist support geared to their needs.
Care Leavers : Opportunities Mental Health – Easy access high quality MH service. Someone to attend drop in on friendly and informal basis, break down stigma of MH issues. Short notice and out of hours. Bridging service between PA and NHS service. Projects to improve mental health wellbeing and increase self esteem. Accommodation – Training flat - young people can experience independence for short periods before leaving care to improve skills and resolve issues → better chance of sustaining tenancy later on. Emergency or respite accommodation for short term periods during housing crises. Loneliness - A place for young people to go, including evenings and weekends – make friends, feel safe, relax and meet positive role models. Somewhere to get a meal when money is tight. Set up small communities of care leavers to support each other. Basic life skills – A service to teach basic life skills, at a pace that suits young person’s needs - done with patience and comprehension. Extended to specialist provision for those with LDD or UASC. Leisure opportunities – a service to locate, design or negotiate cheap or free leisure activities and trips for young people.
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