Welcome to Back to School Night Sixth Grade Carolyn Gavaghan, Mrs. Kanetsky and Ozzie! A-6
Contact Points Churchville Office (215) My voice mail (215)
Schedule 9:10-9:15 Announcements 9:15-9:25 Math/ELA Daily practice 9:25-10:15 Specials M-Art, T-Music, W-Library, Th-Gym, F-Class meeting/Computers 10:15-11:05 Soc. Studies- w/Mrs. Gavaghan 11:05-12:00 Science- w/Mrs. Gavaghan 12:00-1:00 Recess/Lunch 1:05-1:55 Math- w/ Mrs. Cooke 2:00-3:30 Language Arts- Mrs. Gavaghan 3:30-3:35 Pack-up/Dismissal
HOMEWORK Teacherweb site- cilRock/Gavaghan/apt2.aspx cilRock/Gavaghan/apt2.aspx *Shortcut found on my Churchville Teacher Website. *This site is maintained by the students. There are times when they will not be able to update the site. Therefore every student is still responsible for writing down homework on a daily basis.
Behavior Policy CARES rules Logical Consequences- Verbal warning, time out, buddy teacher, loss of privileges, teacher/parent/student conference, Restorative Circles, Pledge Ticket/Behavior Notice Cell Phone Use- Use is prohibited during school hours. Students cannot make calls, receive or send texts, take pictures, etc. Use of school phone- Only for transportation changes/clarification
Language Arts JOURNEYS Program Research-based, systematic instruction Consistent curriculum grades K through 6 Focuses on 5 Big Ideas in Reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension (National Reading Panel, 2000) Cohesive program also includes reading, writing, word study, vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and handwriting Whole Class and Small Group direct instruction Please see Ellen Wilson’s website, our Literacy Specialist, for a full overview of the Journeys Program
Language Arts Independent Reading- completed at home –3-6 novels per marking period Reading Log will be kept- 3 entries per week completed at home- Parent Signature necessary Story Map completion necessary to receive credit for each novel. Target pacing for 3 novels-Sept. 25 st, Oct. 22 nd, Nov. 15 th EPA- Elementary Performance Assessment - In- school Research Project -March or April -Students develop a research question, then complete the project over a 3 day period. -Students are assessed in the areas of Process skills, Written Report, and Oral Presentation
Science Core Units Land Biomes and Animal Adaptations Mrs. Gavaghan Levers and Pulleys –Mrs. Cooke Variables –Ms. Guerriero Astronomy Mr. Hinchey Life Skills (CARES/Health topics) All
Social Studies Units of Study Stone Age Mesopotamia Ancient Egypt Ancient China Ancient India Mesoamerica Current Events
Essential Questions A. How and why do cultures interact, develop and change? B. How does geography affect the growth and development of civilization? C. What are the values and beliefs that have shaped government over time? D. What impact does trade/economics have on the organization and daily life of people?