The Basics of Substance Abuse Prevention A proposal for categories/items for setting up an inventory on prevention activities Dr. Jens Kalke Institut für interdisziplinäre Sucht- und Drogenforschung (ISD)
Aims of the Presentation to give an overview of the main criteria & items in practice & research (in Germany) to prepare the inventory of prevention projects in Serbia
Target Groups (1) universal (general population) selective (risk groups) indicated (risk consumers)
Target Groups (2) children pupils young people adults teachers …
Aims of Projects to transfer knowledge to promote life skills to influence attitudes to change or to stabilize behaviour
Aim: Behaviour (1) to prevent… early onset more consumption dangerous substance use chronic heavy use addiction …
Aim: Behaviour (2) to strengthen… abstinence controlled use learning to say no tactics to handle risk behaviour …
Aim: Behaviour (3) to promote… decision making/problem solving creative/critical thinking ability to communicate self-awareness coping with emotions/stress
Settings kindergarten school family leisure work community
Substances alcohol nicotine cannabis „party-drugs“ cocaine heroine … (gambling)
Methods & Means flyer, brochure campaign exhibits video, movie interactive exercises (roleplay etc.) training peer to peer education adventure oriented alternatives …
Prevention Approaches (I) behavioral prevention = person centered environmental prevention = policy and regulations
Prevention Approaches (II) current scientific knowlegde: → a policy-mix of behavioral & environmental prevention shows the best effects for example: nicotine prevention in germany (schoolbased prevention, campaigns, bans in school & restaurants, high tax)
behavioralenvironmentaluniversalselectiveindicated school-programXXX information (flyer, internet)XXXX training for staffXX campaignXX self-exclusion optionXX self-testXX hotlineXX technical limitationsXXX restrictions game-supplyXX restrictions advertisementXX bans for youthXX checking ageXX Policy-Mix of Enviromental- & Behavioral- Prevention in the field of gambling
Dimension of the Evaluation structure process outcome
Kind of Evaluator external internal
Focus of the Evaluation reach acceptance knowledge attitude behavior
Tools for Monitoring Prevention in Germany Dr. Jens Kalke Institut für interdisziplinäre Sucht- und Drogenforschung (ISD)
Tools in Germany dot.sys = monitoring system for activities & measures prevnet = database for projects → both are internet-based
dot.sys (Monitoring System) cooperation project between the Federal Centre of Health Education and the federal states (16) objectives: annual reports of substance abuse prevention analysis of the prevention structure & measures interpretation & discussion about nationwide standards implementation and workflow: data entry by qualified staff of drug prevention services from all states data collection is coordinated by BZgA and regional coordinators data analysis: central and federal level since 2006 in all federal states
dot.sys (screenshot entry)
Criteria dot.sys for every measure/activity… setting kind of substance approach aim target group methods/means duration status of evaluation …
dot.sys-Report prevention workers 388 prevention centers 34,031 measures 52% school-based 47% substance-specific 54% target group: age % evaluated (internal)
prevnet (project database) cooperation project between the Federal Centre of Health Education and the federal states objectives: open access for projects, papers, documentations, studies more transparent information improving net-working implementation and workflow: more than 1,000 members (experts & prevention workers) data collection is coordinated by BZgA and regional coordinator since 2004
prevnet (screenshot entry)
Criteria prevnet for every project… setting kind of substance approach aim target group