Welcome to Capital Asset Management
CAMS Mission The mission of the University Capital Asset Management department is to provide the highest quality service and guidance in asset management to university organizations, while fulfilling the financial recording and reporting requirements of the university.
Roles and Responsibilities Compliance Services Consulting Services System Support and Training Services
Asset Categories Capital Movable –Equipment –Fabrications –Lease Purchases Capital Non-movable –Art and Museum –Bonds –Buildings & Building Improvements –Infrastructure –Land –Leasehold Improvements –Library books Non Capital
Major Components of CAMS Capital Asset Builder Pre-Asset Tagging Non-Movable Additions Documents and Maintenance Screens Inventory Process Depreciation Reconciliation Reports
CAB Menu
Invoice Line Item Screen
Allocate Additional Charges
Insert from Pending
Add line 8 to line 1
Create View Asset Screen
General Ledger Transactions
Modify an Asset
Enter Pending Asset Information
Create View Asset Screen
Pre-asset Tagging
Pre-asset Tagging (tagging) screen
Documents Route for Approval Add Asset Asset Retirement Asset Transfer Equipment Loan/Return Fabrication Request
Maintenance Screens & Security Maintenance Screens do have restrictions –University Capital Asset Office –Campus Capital Asset Offices –Organizations
Accuracy of Data Additions (CAB/Add Asset Document) Transfers Retirements Inventory Updates
Add Asset Document
Asset Retirement
Asset Transfer
Equipment Loan/Return
CAMS Maintenance Screens Capital Asset Maintenance Location Maintenance Tag an Asset Merge an Asset Separate an Asset System Manager Maintenance
Capital Asset Lookup
Capital Asset Maintenance
Location Maintenance
Physical Inventory Intermec Antares Trakkers scan equipment. Filecopy utility is used to extract file and copy to PC. File Uploaded to FIS Bar-code Error Document Inventory Reconciliation Report
Depreciation Depreciation expense is calculated from a stored procedure that updates the asset database on a monthly basis. The Straight Line method is the basis for the calculation, along with a method for Salvage Value. Federally owned payments are excluded from the depreciation calculation. In addition, no Deprecation will be taken on Art and Museum Objects, Land, or Leasehold Equities. Each asset is depreciated from the asset create date, and the assets useful life assigned to the asset type code. Non-Movable assets use a ½ year convention for assigning the create date. The Deprecation entries Debit Object Code 51XX, Depreciation Expense, and Credit the appropriate Accumulated Depreciation Object Code based on the Object Code Sub Types in the Asset Object Code Table.
Asset Object Code Table YearChartSubTYCptlztnAccumDepr 2005BAAM BABD BACM BACO 2005BAIF
Reconciliation Additions Retirements Transfers Depreciation Expense Ending Balances
Pre-Defined Queries Capital Asset Management has made available the following reporting categories to assist organizations in asset management. Inventory Control ReportsNbr of rpt9 Depreciation ReportsNbr of rpt4 Edit ReportsNbr of rpt 10 Summary ReportsNbr of rpt 4 Internal ReportsNbr of rpt 15 Screening ReportsNbr of rpt 1 Capital Lease ReportsNbr of rpt 2
Movable Equipment Activity For Year Ending June 30, 2004 Total net capital assets $1,707,160, Capital Asset Management Staff Plant Fund Accountant Asset Creator Inventory/Tagging Manager Data Manager