Please help yourself to coffee, tea or water and a piece of cake.
Life Skills is not a place…it is a program The program for your child is dictated by your child’s IEP After 14 years of age, the IEP focuses on transition for after 21 Life Skills at the High School will focus on the areas of preparing for Post Secondary Training, Employment and Independent Living This preparation may take place in a self contained classroom, therapy room, general education classroom, hallways, community…
Speech Therapist: Kari File Students may participate in a combination of therapy supports from individual, small group and large group. Consult Therapy allows the therapist the freedom to see students in a variety of “real life” settings and not just a therapy room. Many students will move to this model as they progress towards 18 years of age as part of their transition planning. The Therapist also consults with the Special Education Teachers on a regular basis so that strategies and tips are carried over into other settings. Occupational Therapist: MaryJo Crookes
The Life Skills Program participate in 1-2 CBI’s per month. Every child will go at minimum 1x a month Not every child goes every time Not a field trip – students are assessed on the ability to generalize skills REQUIRED ITEMS: Student ID Wallet or Purse RECOMMENDED ITEMS: State Issued Non Drivers Liscense SEPTA Reduced Fair Pass
ALL South Students are dropped off in the front of the building. The students in the Life Skills Program are held in the main lobby area till 7:15 (7:25 for other students). 7:15-7:30 Unpack/Lockers 7:33 1 st Period – Math 8:35 Homeroom 8:45 2 nd Period – English AFTER THIS EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT – Questions about a class should be directed to that teacher
Lunch at South is expensive Check the lunch accounts often – students will not be able to buy if the account is empty Lunch is posted on websitewebsite
Grades are posted in just about every class with descriptions. Please check their often. BLANKS - are fine. That means that your child did not participate in the assignment ZEROS – not fine. That means that your child refused to participate in the assignment GRADES – read the comments. Most of my grades are inputted based on the child’s level of independence or mastery. Grades are given for classwork, IEP Goal Progress, participation, CBI, follow directions and many other items. Comments will tell you what it was for. ATTENDANCE: Is taken in every class. Please uncheck the alerts. Your child may be marked absent from a class for a therapy session, a Life Skills Program School Activity, a CBI, a trip to the nurse, etc.alerts
Buddy Club: will be starting in October – check the website at the end of the month Special Olympics: will be starting in February Coffee Cart: Starts next week. We can always use donations of baked goods on Mondays.