Mass Etiquette 1
2 Dress Code Reminder The Mass day formal dress code is as follows: Boys – khaki uniform pants, white oxford button-down shirt (long or short sleeve) and a tie (Mills, preferred, but not mandatory). Girls – khaki uniform skirt and white oxford button- down shirt (short or long sleeve). In inclement weather, students may wear a Mills uniform vest, pull-over or cardigan or an Amat letterman jacket or sweater. Sweatshirts will not be allowed to be worn to Mass. Students may wear tennis shoes or dress shoes that meet the school’s established guidelines.
understanding that someone or something is important, and should be treated in an appropriate way 4 Discussion Question: How does this apply to our behavior at Mass?
5 Make the most of Mass… Participate… +pray the responses +sing +during the times of silence, pray about your own life. Listen… +the readings: What stands out to you? +the homily: How does it relate to your life? +in silent prayer: What is God saying to you? Respect… +those around not talking or distracting others +our tradition…by showing reverence for the sacred (avoid behavior inappropriate for Mass such as clapping at the end of songs) +God…by giving thanks for our Salvation
Sign of Peace This is an opportunity to share with a few people immediately around you Christ’s peace. This is an opportunity to share with a few people immediately around you Christ’s peace. Please do not cross the aisles to share the sign of peace. Please do not cross the aisles to share the sign of peace. The Sign of Peace is more than a greeting, it is your prayer that the person receive the peace of Christ. The Sign of Peace is more than a greeting, it is your prayer that the person receive the peace of Christ.
Receiving Holy Communion at Mass
Who may receive Holy Communion? Catholics may receive Holy Communion if they are Catholics may receive Holy Communion if they are –In the state of grace (no serious/mortal sins since last Confession) and –Observing the Eucharistic fast (no eating or drinking, except water and medicine, for 1 hour before Holy Communion)
To Our Non-Catholic Friends Because receiving the Eucharist indicates a real unity of faith, life, and worship, Catholics cannot offer the Eucharist to those who are not yet united with us in those ways Because receiving the Eucharist indicates a real unity of faith, life, and worship, Catholics cannot offer the Eucharist to those who are not yet united with us in those ways While we cannot admit non-Catholics to Holy Communion, we ask them to offer their prayers for peace and unity of the human family. While we cannot admit non-Catholics to Holy Communion, we ask them to offer their prayers for peace and unity of the human family.
Two Ways of Receiving Holy Communion Holy Communion may be received Holy Communion may be received –By Mouth or –By Hand
Receiving By Mouth The minister will say “Body of Christ” The minister will say “Body of Christ” Respond “Amen” Respond “Amen” Open your mouth, extend your tongue slightly over your lower lip, and remain still Open your mouth, extend your tongue slightly over your lower lip, and remain still The minister will place the host (Communion wafer) on your tongue The minister will place the host (Communion wafer) on your tongue
Receiving By Hand The minister will say “Body of Christ” The minister will say “Body of Christ” Respond “Amen” Respond “Amen” While holding your hands at chest level, place your right hand under your left hand While holding your hands at chest level, place your right hand under your left hand The minister will place the host (Communion wafer) into your left hand The minister will place the host (Communion wafer) into your left hand Pick up the host with your right hand and place it into your mouth Pick up the host with your right hand and place it into your mouth
After Receiving the Eucharist: Respectful Silence After receiving the Body of Christ return to your seat. After receiving the Body of Christ return to your seat. Use this time for a moment of quiet prayer while others are still in line. Use this time for a moment of quiet prayer while others are still in line. This is a time of giving thanks to God for the blessings He has given you. This is a time of giving thanks to God for the blessings He has given you. Give others around you the opportunity for quiet prayer. Give others around you the opportunity for quiet prayer.
There is a time for everything… When Mass is ending and the priest says “The Mass is ended let us go in peace,” we reply “Thanks be to God.” At that moment we given thanks to God for the fact he sent his only Son to die on the Cross for our sins, so that we may have eternal life. To clap in response to “The Mass is ended let us go in peace,” is inappropriate.
…and that time is… If we want to show our appreciation for those involved in singing and other ministries, we can do so by clapping when Mr. Beck offers his thanks on behalf of the school community to those involved. If we want to show our appreciation for those involved in singing and other ministries, we can do so by clapping when Mr. Beck offers his thanks on behalf of the school community to those involved.