SYNOD ON THE FAMILY Oct. 5-19, 2014
WHAT IS A SYNOD? SYNDOD = a meeting of Bishops from around the world with the Pope in order to discuss matters important to the life of the Church. LYc1wivk33iyt5bR5zQ&src_vid=e3kQeHnDHyc&feature=iv&annotation_id=an notation_ LYc1wivk33iyt5bR5zQ&src_vid=e3kQeHnDHyc&feature=iv&annotation_id=an notation_
THE 5 POINTS BEING DISCUSSED 1.LANGUAGE USED BY THE CHURCH 2. GRADUALITY which refers to the unique path people take in their search for God. For some people it's immediate, with others it's a process. 3. OFFENSE VS. DEFENSE The notion of focusing on offense instead of defense was also touched on. Highlighting the good in promoting family life, instead of the challenges. 4.SEXUALITY AND SPIRITUALITY 5. HISTORICAL ROOTS The historical connection between the Church and family should also be highlighted. Meaning, the role the Church has played in promoting family life and therefore in promoting a strong fabric of society.
SPEAK YOUR MIND! Pope Francis asks all at the conference, including 13 married couples from different parts of the world, to speak their mind and not hold back. He told them not to be worried about “offending him” – but to speak what is truly in their hearts pope-francis-to-the-synod- oespeak-clearly-do-not-think-there- are-issues-that-cannot-be-discussed- en 86-pope-francis-to-the-synod- oespeak-clearly-do-not-think-there- are-issues-that-cannot-be-discussed- en 15-married-couples-speak-on- participating-in-the-synod-en 15-married-couples-speak-on- participating-in-the-synod-en
PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! Pope Francis asks the Church throughout the world to pray fervently for this Synod. He warned us that “The devil wants to destroy humanity – wants to destroy families.” Therefore, we must all pray and work hard to promote love and peace in our families. On Friday, Oct. 17 th, Marian will have a day of prayer for our families, and for families throughout the world. During adoration we will pray as Pope Francis has asked. In the meantime, let us join our prayers daily to pray with the Pope and all the members of the Synod for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on this great event! We encourage you to share this news with your family and pray together for the success of this Synod. francis-may-this-synod-oeheal-bleeding-wounds- and-rekindle-hope-en francis-may-this-synod-oeheal-bleeding-wounds- and-rekindle-hope-en Our Lady at Fatima asked us to pray the rosary daily for peace in our world and in our families. Will you take up her challenge?
HOMEWORK Write 2 paragraphs (4-5 sentences) each telling me what you learned about the synod and what you think about it. Then write a 5-sentence prayer for YOUR family.