EPIC-Elderly: Network on Ageing and Health Grant Agreement no th Meeting of the Working Party on Information on Lifestyle and Specific Subpopulations 14 May 2008, Luxembourg Antonia Trichopoulou, MD Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology University of Athens Medical School
Starting date: 01 May 2005 Duration: 36 months* EC contribution EPIC-Elderly: Network on Ageing and Health *4 months extension
Partners GreeceNational and Kapodistrian University of Athens, (NKUA) GermanyDeutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, (DKFZ) German Institute of Human Nutrition (DifE), Potsdam France:Institute National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM), Villejuif Cedex SpainRegional Health Department, Basque Government, San Sebastian ItalyInstituto Nationale per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori, Milan The NetherlandsJulius Centre for General Practice and Patient Oriented Research, Utrecht DenmarkInstitute of Cancer Epidemiology, Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen SwedenNutritional Research, Department of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition, Umea University, Umea IARCUnit of Nutrition and Cancer, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Lyon, France
EPIC-Elderly NAH project Overall aim To assess healthy ageing of elderly Europeans and identify associated environmental predictors by using baseline and follow- up data on environmental parameters, self-reported morbidity and cause specific mortality Specific objectives To expand the existing databank on European elders (EPIC- Elderly) with standardised follow up data on environmental parameters, morbidity and cause-specific mortality To create an information database on potential predictors of healthy ageing (an expert panel will deliver systematic reviews of the relevant literature)
List of age-related medical conditions* (inverse indicators of healthy ageing) 1.Myocardial infarction 2.Stroke 3.Hypertension 4.Diabetes 5.Weight 6.Depression 7.Neurological diseases 8.Osteoporosis 9.Fractures * Technical Annex and Decisions from the Plenary Meetings
FranceItalySpainNether/ Bilthoven Nether/ Utrecht German y/ Heidelb erg German y/Potsd am Sweden / Umea GreeceDenmark HypertensionOKNAOK NAOK DiabetesOK NAOK WeightOKNAOK NAOK Myocardial Infarction OK Not sent OK StrokeOK Not sent OK DepressionOKNAOKNA OKNA Neurological Diseases NAOK NA OKNA OsteoporosisOKNA OK NAOKNA FracturesOK NA OK NA DrugsNAOKNA OKNA OKNA Data included in EPIC-Elderly databank NA: Not Available
Tasks completed Recording of instruments (and methods) used to collect and ascertain (where relevant) the data within the participating countries Coordination of data transfer from the participating countries to the coordinating centre (Athens) Expansion of the EPIC-Elderly databank into the EPIC-Elderly NAH databank with information on baseline and follow-up data on Myocardial infarction, Stroke, Hypertension, Diabetes, Weight, Depression, Neurological diseases, Osteoporosis and Fractures Documentation of the experience gained in order to create the EPIC- Elderly databank Creation of an information database containing results from literature reviews about healthy aging ( plenary meeting have been realized
Reports and scientific papers The association of age at retirement and mortality has been investigated within the EPIC- Elderly NAH project. Results have been successfully submitted and published: Bamia C, Trichopoulou A, Trichopoulos D. Age at retirement and mortality in a general population sample: the Greek EPIC study. Am J Epidemiol Mar 1;167(5): Epub 2007 Dec 3. A scientific paper containing the results of the literature reviews regarding determinants of healthy aging has been submitted. Analysis of weight changes in relation to mortality has been undertaken; results will be included in a scientific paper to be submitted until the end of the project A manuscript containing results of analysis with respect to determinants of fracture prevalence and incidence has been prepared and will be soon submitted to peer reviewed journals. Relevant public health reports containing a detailed presentation of data that are included in the EPIC-Elderly NAH databank per morbid condition are in preparation to be sent to the EC. A web site containing the experience of the project has been designed and will be finalized until the end of the project.
Dissemination activities Remaining tasks: (Extension of the project has been requested till the end of August)
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