2013 Japan Tour (Open to 14, 15, 16, 17 year Old's) 19 Sept – 2 nd Oct 2013 – School Holidays How would you like the opportunity to: 1.Play against J league Youth Teams 2.Play in exceptional facilities 3.See what the real professional scene is like 4.See what it takes to become a professional footballer 5.Gain some great training tips to help you to succeed at the highest level in football or in the areas you wish to follow 6.Experience the great culture of the Japanese Cost Includes: Flights, Insurance, Accommodation, Food, All Travel in Japan, Sightseeing, Training and Playing Gear At no extra cost for those travelling we will: 1.Take the time early in the season to assess the individuals performance and give feedback 2.Spend one on one time helping the individual improve in their game leading into the tour 3.This will help them prepare for the demands of playing many games against exceptional players – Approx.: 12 games in 14 days Cost of Tour: $ Life skills While on tour we will also run a number of life sessions to help individuals sharpen their skills to tackle any challenges they may face in life. We believe that how you act off the park is how you act on the park..
Player Permission Form To be signed by player and if under 18 years of age by parent or Legal Guardian Player Name: Age: I give permission to the kick4goals PTY Ltd to use my image, sound and/or my name for Media activities to promote the kick4goals PTY Ltd Future media activities which would assist with further promoting Kick 4 Goals PTY Ltd. I understand that by giving this permission, that kick4goals PTY Ltd can use my image, my sound/or my name in any way it chooses, for the purposes described above. It may reproduce them in any form, in whole or in part, and distribute them by any medium including internet, CD- ROM, or other multimedia formats. I understand that I will not be paid for giving permission. Players Signature:Date: If under 18, parent/Legal Guardian: Please Print Parent/Legal Guardian Signature: Date: