Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! – Philippians 4:4
Philippians 4:4-9 DON’T WORRY BE HAPPY
“anxious” = “to be pulled in different directions” Old English root of “worry” means “to strangle” Worry affects our thinking, digestion, coordination SPIRITUALLY… Wrong Thinking (the mind), Wrong Feeling (the heart) Worry is the greatest thief of joy Antidote to worry is to have a Secure Mind (Phil. 4:7) Peace of God will guard you (4:7) and guide you (4:9) Praying right – Thinking right – Living right WHAT IS WORRY?
PRAYER General word for making request known to God Carries the idea of adoration, devotion, and worship Adoration is what is needed: Seeing God’s greatness and majesty Often we rush into His presence and hastily tell Him our needs, when we ought to approach His throne calmly and in deepest reverence 1 st step in praying right is ADORATION PRAYING RIGHT (4:6-7)
SUPPLICATION An earnest sharing of our needs & problems God wants us to be earnest in our asking (Mt. 7:7-11) As Jesus prayed in the Garden (Heb. 5:7) Supplication is not a matter of physical energy but of spiritual intensity (Rom. 15:30; Col. 4:12) PRAYING RIGHT (4:6-7)
APPRECIATION Giving thanks to God (Eph. 5:20; Col. 3:15-17) Certainly the Father enjoys hearing His children say, “Thank you” When Jesus healed the 10 lepers, only 1 returned to give thanks (Lk. 17:11-19) We are eager to ask but slow to appreciate PRAYING RIGHT (4:6-7)
Depends on the right kind of mind… If we have the Single Mind of Phil. 1, then we can give Adoration If we have the Submissive Mind of Phil. 2, we can come with Supplications If we have the Spiritual Mind of Phil. 3, we can show our Appreciation We must practice Phil. 1, 2, 3 if we are going to experience the secure mind of Phil. 4 PRAYING RIGHT (4:6-7)
Take “everything to God in prayer” “Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything” Talk to God about everything that concerns us for He is the 1 st step toward victory over worry The “peace of God” stands guard over the two areas of worry – the HEART (wrong feeling) and the MIND (wrong thinking) PRAYING RIGHT (4:6-7)
When we give our hearts to Christ in salvation, we receive “peace with God” (Rom. 5:1) and the “peace of God” takes us further into His blessings This doesn’t mean absence of trials, but confidence within, regardless of circumstance, people, or things Example of Daniel PRAYING RIGHT (4:6-7)
Peace involves the heart and the MIND Isaiah 26:3 Thinking wrong leads to feeling wrong and before long the head and mind are pulled apart and we are strangled by worry Thoughts are real and powerful, even though they cannot be seen, weighed or measured 2 Corinthians 10:5 THINKING RIGHT (4:8)
The “Whatever Test” Whatever is true… Whatever is honest and just… Whatever is pure, lovely & of good report… Whatever possesses virtue and praise… The Christian who fills his heart and mind with God’s Word will have a “built-in radar for detecting wrong thoughts Thinking right is the result of meditating on God’s word THINKING RIGHT (4:8)
You cannot separate outward action and inward attitude Sins always results in unrest and purity results in peace (Isa. 32:17; Jas. 3:17) Living right is a necessary condition for receiving the peace of God LIVING RIGHT (4:9)
Paul balances 4 activities: “learned & received” “heard & seen” It’s one thing to learn a truth, but quite another to receive it inwardly and make it part of our inward man (1 Thess. 2:13) Facts in the head are not enough; we must also have truths in the heart We must learn the Word, receive it, hear it, and do it (Jas. 1:22) LIVING RIGHT (4:9)
“The Peace of God” is one test of whether or not we are in the will of God (Col. 3:15) If we are walking with the Lord, then the peace of God will influence our hearts Whenever we disobey, we lose that peace God’s peace is the “umpire” that call us when we are “out” LIVING RIGHT (4:9)
Praying Right – Thinking Right – Living Right Either we yield heart and mind to God and practice praying, thinking, and living right –or- yield to the flesh and find ourselves torn apart by worry There’s no need to worry! With the peace of God to guard us and the God of peace to guide us – Why Worry! CONCLUSION