Overview of groundwater and soil contamination in Lithuania Kestutis Kadunas, Geological Survey of Lithuania Tel ,
Action plan in environment management Prepare law on responsibility for damages caused by former activity Law on topsoil protection Inventory of polluted sites including sanitation programs Reclamation of old landfills Restoration of polluted sites Organization of sanitation of former pesticide storages Source:Environment protection strategy of Lithuania, 1996
Groundwater use and protection Strategy, To prepare and keep the Register of Pollution Sources of the Geological Environment To survey pollution sources, to carry out their monitoring, to establish priorities of reclamation, to prepare programmes, to initiate the sanitation of priority territories To produce methodical recommendations on investigation and monitoring of pollution sources To set pollution thresholds in the soil and groundwater
Overview of contaminated lands (point sources of pollution) Sanitary landfills and waste sites Former and present military sites Civil oil facilities Pesticide storages
Inventory of sanitary landfills & waste sites Inventory of sanitary landfills and waste sites carried out in 1993; Totally 636 sites find out; In 264 sites storage of chemical wastes were ascertained; Detail investigation carried out in 36 sites; Calculation of remediation for 8 sites - 1,5 bil. USD Source: Kruger Consult & Geological Survey of Lithuania
Inventory of sanitary landfills & waste sites Group A - dangerous sites, detailed investigations and sanitation needed; Group B - investigations for decision needed; Group C & D - no chemical waste, limited investigation Source: Kruger Consult & Geological Survey of Lithuania
Industrial landfill, Ketvergiai Source: Geological Survey of Lithuania Wood (bark) waste Sludge from waste water treatment plant m 3 Contamination of GW ponds SW Phenols, NH4, organic compounds Risk to contaminate private dug wells Contaminated SW flows to Baltic see
Obeliai waste disposal Landfill Contaminated GW Source: Geological Survey of Lithuania & Ecorem Waste of alcohol production Oil waste Domestic waste Contamination by mineral oil, heavy metals Polluted area - > m 2 Total volume to be purified m 3 Remediation cost ± 1,5bil USD
Former and present military facilities The inventory carried out in 1994 In 275 sites were located 421 units 160 sites are polluted by hydrocarbons In 35 cases surface water pollution In 10 investigated sites remediation action needed Source: Kruger Consult
Registered soil & groundwater contamination in military sites Oil contamination Chemicals - 56 Rocket fuel - 20 Waste sites Source: Kruger Consult
Pajuostė military airfield Source: Geological Survey of Lithuania
Soil &Groundwater contamination in former military sities Source: Kruger Consult
Civil oil facilities (petrol stations,oil storages) Source: GROTA Ltd
Number of civil oil facilities Small storages5000 Petrol stations423 Oil storages30 Power plants130 Source: GROTA Ltd
Area of civil oil facilities Source: GROTA Ltd
Number of investigated civil oil facilities. Source: GROTA Ltd
Areas of contaminated soils & groundwater in civil oil facilities (167 sites) Source: GROTA Ltd
Remediation plan for Bugeniai railway station Source: Geological Survey of Lithuania & Ecorem Contaminated area with oil concentration > 5000 mg/kg exceeds m 2 Entire area inside ring road needed for remediation m 2 Cost of remediation according Lithuanian norms USD Full cost USD
Pesticide storages Source: Geological Survey &Ministry of Environment 954 pesticide storages inventored in Not detail investigation carried out (18 investigated) Not action plan developed
Grave of pesticides Žygmantiškės, Šalčininkai In groundwater: simazin, prometrin, propazin,atrazin - and - HCH were discovered in 1995 m. Sum of pesticides µg/l Source: Geological Survey of Lithuania & Minstry of Environment
Source: Geological Survey of Lithuania & Ecorem
What we lack to be faster ?? Law on responsibility for damages caused by former activity Developed clean - up priorities/criteria To develop methodology for prioritisation of inventored sites for action plan design
Environment standards & regulations Maximum permitted concentration of oil products in soils and groundwater LAND (clean-up criteria) Order on Inventory and Information Collection of Discharges to Groundwater of the Main Pollutants (priority substances) (describes order for declaration of potentially contaminated sites, sets limits for groundwater contamination
Results of inventory of contaminated sites ( Register at the Geological Survey of Lithuania )