Government 2.0 in Australia Peter Alexander Manager, Online Services Branch Australian Government Information Management Office 1 AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT INFORMATION MANAGEMENT OFFICE
Information Commissioner Bill 2009
Objective: To make our democracy more participatory and informed and improve the quality and responsiveness of service delivery with the application of Web 2.0 collaborative tools and practices.
Photos by John Allsopp and Matt Cashmore, available at and /
New guidelines for public servants Participating online Web 2.0 provides public servants with unprecedented opportunities to open up government decision making and implementation to contributions from the community. In a professional and respectful manner, APS employees should engage in robust policy conversations. Equally, as citizens, APS employees should also embrace the opportunity to add to the mix of opinions contributing to sound, sustainable policies and service delivery approaches. Employees should also consider carefully whether they should identify themselves as either an APS employee or an employee of their agency. Available at
Final report delivered 22 December recommendations
Taskforce Web 2.0 Recommendations A declaration of Open Government by the Australian Government Coordinate with leadership, guidance and support Improve guidance and require agencies to engage online Encourage public servants to engage online Awards Accessibility Security and Web 2.0 Definition of Commonwealth Record
Taskforce PSI recommendations Make public sector information open, accessible and reusable Addressing issues in the operation of copyright Information publication scheme Privacy and confidentiality Encourage info-philanthropy
Finance as a Gov 2.0 Leader
Government response
Questions? Discussion?