Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Investing for Growth and Jobs Structural Funds and CF investments: Annual average : EURO 40 billions, current prices Annual average : EURO 52 billions, current prices
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Investing for Growth and Jobs EIB loans in the EU: annual average for : 36 billions, current prices loans in 2005: 45 billions 70% of EIB loans in the EU, for the regions supported by the Structural Funds
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Investing for Growth and Jobs EIF investments for SMEs, total at the end 2005: - risk capital, 217 funds, 3 billions - guarantees, 164 operations, 9,3 billions
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Investing for growth and jobs Other IFIs, like the Council of Europe Development Bank EBRD World Bank Nordic Investment Bank Black Sea Trade and Development Bank
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Investing for Growth and Jobs Investment needs in the regions of the EU – 27exceed by far available public: -Financial resources, EU and national -Management resources
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Investing for Growth and Jobs Investment challenge could be met only by -Levering public and private resources -Enhancing Synergies and complementarities
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Investing for Growth and Jobs Enhanced cooperation REGIO – EIB Group, other IFIs, EU banking sector for New Joint initiatives: - JASPERS - JEREMIE - JESSICA