UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Reducing poverty through sustainable industrial growth 1 Monitoring Investment Flows Calibrating Investment Governance Enhancing Investment Impact on Local Economies AfrIPANet IV
UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Reducing poverty through sustainable industrial growth 2 Programme Implementation ▶ Implementation strategy ▶ Governance structures ▶ Implementation work plan
UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Reducing poverty through sustainable industrial growth 3 Preparatory activities for survey ▶ Established International Advisory Team (IAT) Prof. Peter Buckley Prof. Magnus Bloemstrom Prof. Raphael Kaplinsky Dr. Clifford Zinnes ▶ Established UNIDO Task Force ▶ Designed questionnaires (FDI, Domestic Investors, Services) ▶ Designed survey methodology ▶ Designing with Microsoft survey management system ▶ Designed implementation strategy ▶ Continuing discussions with EU for financing two surveys
UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Reducing poverty through sustainable industrial growth 4 Preparatory activities for SPX ▶ Developed new methodology incorporating three different benchmarking tools ▶ Designed training programmes for SPX staff ▶ Designed linkages between SPX and Monitoring Platform ▶ Developed partnerships with supporting Governments to finance the establishment of an African SPX Network Austria, Italy, South Africa, Turkey ▶ Formalizing partnership with CIPS
UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Reducing poverty through sustainable industrial growth 5 Broad-brush activity list ▶ Pilot testing in two countries ▶ Building project teams in participating countries ▶ Mobilizing interest and participation in survey among companies ▶ Conducting the survey in 20 participating countries ▶ Establishing the Monitoring Platform to host the database, allow interaction among stakeholders within countries and among countries. ▶ Building capacities of IPAs and IO’s to utilize the MP ▶ Establishing SPX Centers in first group of countries ▶ Benchmarking local companies
UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Reducing poverty through sustainable industrial growth 6 Survey strategy ▶ Survey will be conducted primarily through interviews ▶ Develop local capabilities to conduct future surveys ▶ Domestic investors will be included in the surveys ▶ In each survey country build an implementation committee (IC) made up of the IPA, one of the private sector institutions and the NSO ▶ The IC will nominate staff that will constitute the Country Implementation Team (CIT) ▶ CIT will conduct the domestic investor surveys
UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Reducing poverty through sustainable industrial growth 7 UNIDO Project Implementation Staff Regional Coordinator (1X) Sub-regional Coordinators (3X) Country Team Leader (CTL) (24X) Project Steering Committee (PSC) Implementation Committee (IC) IPANIS Chamber of Commerce National Steering Committee (NSC) Enumerators UNIDO Staff Project Personnel National Counterparts IC Staff working on project implementation Country Implementation Teams (CIT) Microsoft project team (5x) International Survey Advisory team (5x) Ministries Apex institutions Private sector representatives ITPOField OfficeSPX International Experts for capacity building At each country level UNIDO Networks UNIDO Task Force (7x) Implementation strategy
UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Reducing poverty through sustainable industrial growth 8 Activity Plan ▶ Recruit Country Team Leader (CTL) ▶ Establish the NSC and IC ▶ CTL and CIT will organize Sensitization (media, stakeholder mobilization, champions) Development of business directory Logistics for the survey Recruit enumerators for FDI survey ▶ Training of CIT and enumerators in survey and interview techniques and implementation of survey ▶ Implementation of survey
UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Reducing poverty through sustainable industrial growth 9 Time Line for survey ▶ 17 November – 5 December Pilot tests in Kenya and Senegal ▶ December Finalization of questionnaire ▶ January – February 2009 Build the country teams ▶ March – April Sensitization ▶ April – July Survey ▶ July – October analysis and report ▶ December dissemination of survey report ▶ Monitoring Platform fully functional by August 2009 ▶ August - December Capacity building of IPAs and IO’s
UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Reducing poverty through sustainable industrial growth 10 Time line for SPX ▶ Phase I New SPX Centers in Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria (Starting November 2008) ▶ Phase II Upgrade Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Senegal and establish new SPX (Starting January 2009) ▶ Phase III New SPX in five countries in Southern Africa (Starting March 2009) ▶ Funding for another 8 countries under discussion ▶ Individual country SPX projects can be considered ▶ SPX programme will be discussed at RT
UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Reducing poverty through sustainable industrial growth 11 SPX activities ▶ Selection of host institution ▶ Establishment of SPX Unit ▶ Recruitment of appropriate staff ▶ Training ▶ Sensitizing local companies (suppliers and buyers) ▶ Supervised benchmarking ▶ Database of benchmarked suppliers linked to MP ▶ Determining buyer requirements ▶ Investment opportunities for upgrading suppliers (IPA) ▶ First 3 years provide free service, after provide a VA service that can be charged for
UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Reducing poverty through sustainable industrial growth 12 IPA capacity building
UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Reducing poverty through sustainable industrial growth 13 Governance structures ▶ Programme Steering Committee (PSC) AU, EU, NEPAD, ABRT, RECs ▶ National Steering Committees Minister, Apex private sector organization, Private sector champions, IPA CEO
UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Reducing poverty through sustainable industrial growth 14 AfrIPANet IV Durban, South Africa October