Difficulty in translating the term DISBURSEMENT Avram(Sabau) Cristina MAII Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the course in Terminology Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the course in Terminology January 2011
When I had to translate some documents, I didn’t know exactly what the equivalent in Romanian was: (1) The disbursement [plata] of the loan shall be made during the commitment period on (1) The disbursement [plata] of the loan shall be made during the commitment period on a day on which commercial banks are open for the transaction of general business. a day on which commercial banks are open for the transaction of general business. (2) The bank at the moment is not in a position to allow for further disbursements (2) The bank at the moment is not in a position to allow for further disbursements [tragere] under the loan after the conditions specified in the waiver are fulfilled. [tragere] under the loan after the conditions specified in the waiver are fulfilled. (3) All disbursement applications [cerere de plata] shall be submitted by the borrower to (3) All disbursement applications [cerere de plata] shall be submitted by the borrower to the bank at least 5 business day prior to the proposed date of such disbursement. the bank at least 5 business day prior to the proposed date of such disbursement.
Asking the specialist: I asked Ena Farca, civil servant working for the City Hall Iasi, head of the International Relations and European Projects Office, and she told me “disbursement” means “tragere” She also mentioned that this happens with the loans from IMF (International Monetary Fund) and other international finance institutions (i.e. IBRD ) I was puzzled because most of the dictionaries give only this definition “ plati” More, I didn’t understand exactly what the term reffered to.
Then I started my research: As a graduate of International Business within the Faculty of Economics Iasi, I started to refresh my memory As a graduate of International Business within the Faculty of Economics Iasi, I started to refresh my memory I looked up in my courses “ Economie mondiala” and “ Relatii financiare si monetare internationale” I looked up in my courses “ Economie mondiala” and “ Relatii financiare si monetare internationale”
I looked up in the dictionaries and searched the websites.
Domaine Budget communautaire en Définition Money paid out or spent. Réf. de la définition COUNCIL-EN Terme disbursement Fiabilité 3 (fiable) Réf. du terme Council Regulation No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities, 32002R1605 Date 22/06/2009 Source: Council IATE ID: R msByLilId.do?lilId=768920&langId=en
Article The financial statements shall be presented in millions of euro and shall comprise: (a) the balance sheet and the economic outturn account, which represent the assets and liabilities and financial situation and the economic outturn at 31 December of the previous year; they shall be presented in accordance with the structure laid down by the Directives of the European Parliament and of the Council on the annual accounts of certain types of companies, but with account being taken of the specific nature of the Communities' activities; (b) the cash-flow table showing amounts collected and disbursed (Sume incasate si platite)during the year and the final treasury position; (c) the statement of changes in capital presenting in detail the increases and decreases during the year in each item of the capital accounts. lex.europa.eu/smartapi/cgi/sga_doc?smartapi!celexpl us!prod!CelexNumDoc&numdoc=32002R1605&lg=EN
According to “ Dictionar economic si financiar bancar Englez-Roman (M. Patras, C. Patras) Disbursements= plati, achitari, sume platite ( p. 204)
“Cu aprobarea FMI asupra disponibilitatilor respective se realizeaza o tragere, tara solicitatoare folosind suma trasa pentru a face plati externe”. Paul Bran, 1995 : “Relatii financiare si monetare internationale”, Ed Economica, pag.127
Structură şi funcţionare 1. Structură Fondul Monetar Internaţional este o organizaţie hibrid, reunind caracteristici ale unei organizaţii internaţionale interguvernamentale dar şi ale unei societăţi anonime pe acţiuni, de drept american. 10 Fondul este situat pe teritoriul SUA, în Washington D.C. „Acţionarii” săi sunt ţările participante la Conferinţa de la Bretton Woods şi cele care au semnat Acordul de înfiinţare până la data de 27 decembrie 1945, plus ţările care au aderat între timp la acest acord şi la organizaţie. Ţările membre ale FMI au următoarele drepturi: dreptul la vot şi la participare în adoptarea deciziilor dreptul de a efectua tranzacţii şi operaţii cu FMI dreptul de a cumpăra valută convertibilă sau Drepturi Speciale de Tragere (DST) din resursele Fondului, în schimbul monedei naţionale, pe termen scurt sau mediu, în caz de nevoie pentru echilibrarea balanţei de plăţi; 10 monetar-international-istoric-structura-si- functii/
In acordarea transelor de credit, FMI aplica principiul conditionalitatii….In limbaj tehnic operatiunile de imprumut se numesc trageri iar rambursarile, se numesc rascumparari.….. Tragerile obisnuite pot fi grupate in doua categorii……… …..exista transe de credit, tragerile in cadrul lor putandu-se face succesiv. e/finante/Principalele-institutii- financ php
To conclude with, in the subfield of the financial management of loans from different international finance institutions such as IMF, IBRD To disburse= a realiza o tragere Disbursement = tragere din imprumut