TEST With Johan Beeckmans Business driven HR Unlock the value of HR With Johan Beeckmans
What we will do today, how we will challenge you......... Reflect today 1. Think critically about whether your HR has got the right attributes... Successful business partnering requires a special type of person 2. Identify three big areas where HR would add most value to the business. How can you enable HR and HR Business Partner to deliver direct quick win benefits to the business? 3. Ask your team how they spend their time. How much is really spent on taking action to drive business performance? TALENT REWARD AND RECOGNITION CAPABILITY DEVELOPMENT EFFECTIVE ORGANIZATION 26 MAY 2014
Does this sound familiar? “I really want to use my HR knowledge to make a real difference to the business” “I would love more support around developing my skills, and it would be great to feel part of a HR Business Partner community” “Unfortunately I am having to still focus on transactional work – I don’t get time for much else” “Sometimes it feels that HR and the business are coming from different perspectives and it is hard for me to align them” “I already contribute to the business in many ways, but I feel that I could offer more value in certain areas”
How do you measure up? Do you: Do you: retain a large proportion of your operational duties? Struggle with making an impact in the business? Find it difficult to balance the business and HR agendas? Lack clearly defined responsibilities or handoffs with other HR areas? Require further support with developing critical business or HR skills? Do you: Spend their time on strategic tasks that help to achieve the top business priorities? Clearly measure and articulate the value they bring? Effectively deliver against aligned HR and business agendas? Have a clear and transparent part to play in HR service delivery? Get seen as part of the top talent in the organization? Source: Deloitte HR Maturity Diagnostic
Characteristics of Effective HR & Business Partnering Focusing on strategic issues that contribute to the growth and competitiveness of the business. Taking a big picture perspective regarding the organizations priorities and goals. Having the personal impact and credibility to influence key decision makers. Being the diplomat and negotiator to align the agendas of the business and the HR function. Having a proven set of skills and a breadth of knowledge that are of value to the client/customer/business.
Reconnecting HR to the bottom line Transaction-oriented performance measurements of the past HR costs per employee served and HR full-time-employee (FTE) ratio How many activities did I perform or take part in? Number of training hours per employee Cost of a company’s workforce HR compliance metrics Compensation metrics Outcome-oriented performance measurements of tomorrow Overall impact on the business: Is HR both effective (producing a return on talent) and efficient (managing costs)? What is the outcome of the work I am doing, and how is it adding value to the organization, customers, and investors? Time to promotion Corporate performance based on return on talent Revenue and profit per FTE The cost of a company’s workforce compared with the productivity of its workforce
From Metrics to Analytics and now to Intelligence HR will need to evolve from descriptive to predictive analytics, working with statistical models and forecast techniques to understand the future and answer the question: ‘What could happen in the future?’ With predictive HR Intelligence you can: 1) predict the employee characteristics that are associated with good/bad performance and 2) analyse how groups or clusters of high/low performance employees differ depending on those characteristics.
Predictive Intelligence: blueprint for your organisation Here are 4 examples of performance related Intelligence Predicting Organisational Effectiveness Predicting ‘Time-to-performance’ Predicting the business impact of employee engagement Predicting Absenteeism or Work Accident Risks
Added Value HR and Business Partnering It is not just about partnering with the business – but being a vital part of the business. This can be achieved by linking HR Business Partner targets directly to business results. What do you need to do to support....
Sustained Revenue Growth Examples • Identify talent strategies for entering new markets • Predict requirements and source critical talent to grow • Refocus the HR function on supporting high growth business units • Help the business manage mergers and acquisitions Sustained Revenue Growth • Identify talent strategies for entering new markets • Predict requirements and source critical talent to grow • Refocus the HR function on supporting high growth business units • Help the business manage mergers and acquisitions Working smarter: speed, flexibility, adaptability
Examples • Anticipate potential leadership gaps and develop sources of top talent • Build ‘execution capability’ into leadership development programs Strategic Execution Capability • Manage the change process associated with cost reduction initiatives to minimize productivity impacts • Help business evaluate and implement outsourcing and offshoring strategies • Focus on reducing HR’s own operating costs Profit Growth and Cost Reduction
What do we need? Business Capabilities HR Capabilities Consulting Capabilities
Achieving a ‘Fit’ Between Leader and Context