Me oh Mi! I like those Genes You son of a Biological Process ! Dar “win” or Lose Get to Class- ification
What percent of DNA is passed to a final cell in meiosis?
50 %
A cell that contains 100% of the original DNA is called…
Name the phase of mitosis where the cell finally splits into two identical cells
What do we call the process where your mother’s chromosomes and father’s chromosomes break pieces off to exchange information?
Crossing over
If gametes of an organism have 16 chromosomes, how many would one of its skin cells have?
Who is the “father of genetics”
Gregor Mendel
What kind of organisms did Mendel study to understand genetics?
Pea Plants
What is the name of the chart used to determine probabilities of offspring in genetics?
Punnett Square
What do the letters in the inside of the Punnett Square represent?
Offspring Aa A aaaa
If you say: “He is very tall” You are describing a person’s….
What was the name of the first animal to be cloned?
Dolly the Sheep
Which organisms have DNA?
All of them
Name 3 things that can be used as DNA evidence that were used in the movie GATTACA
Hair, Nails, Skin cells, Saliva, Eyelash, Blood, Urine
What is the name of the procedure that is used to determine the paternity of an individual?
DNA fingerprinting
What is the name given to organisms that whose DNA has been changed to “enhance” them?
GMOs (genetically modified organisms)
Name the islands were Darwin did his most important observations about species
Galapagos Islands
What was Darwin’s famous book titled?
“On the Origin of Species”
What could happen to bacteria if you use hand sanitizer all the time?
They may become resistant (mutate)
What single characteristic do all these organisms share?
They are all vertebrates
What causes variations among species?
DNA Mutations
How many kingdoms are there?
Finish the following sentence: King Philip….
Came over for great soup (grape soda)
What does “Philip” represent in the classification system?
Name all the classification levels starting from the most specific, to the broadest group
(start)Species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, Kingdom(end)
What is the genus of a Dog