By: Deyanna Barksdale
Emma runs Emma and her mother got in an argument. Emma decides to runaway Emma runs in the rain into the forest and gets lost. She doesn’t even care that she does not no where she is at all.
Emma Lost in the Streets Lost in the streets of Bombay. Emma crying because she is upset. Cant find her way back home. She never seen this place in her life because she really never went out side.
The dark ally There’s a man sitting out side of a store in the dark ally. He sees Emma and he smiles. People start to look out there windows and the mans smile turns upside down. It starts to get really quite, all eyes on Emma. Emma looks around because she has no idea on what’s going on.
Look 4 Emma Emmas mother coming down the street looking for Emma. It just stop raining, she is soaked. Water dripping of her. She’s running down the street shouting Emmas name.
Who is he ? There's a man walking behind Emmas mother. She doesn’t even now that he is there. Emma can see her mother now, she paused. She doesn't no what to do. The man has a knife beside him. Emmas mother walks into a store. There’s this dark shadow looking thing appearing out of no where. The guy is still flowing Emmas mother. He walks in behind her and puts the knife on the counter and walks out.
Dark shadow He starts talking to Emmas mother like he new her once before. He tells her that he was waiting for. “ I didn’t no how I would get u to come her. I had to lead you down this dark ally.” All of a sudden Emmas mother picks up the knife. Her last words, “Emma.” She stabbed herself right in the heart. It was like the spirit had some kind of control over Emmas mother. Emma was watching the whole time. She seen her mother kill herself.
Where do I go? Emma lost her farther a time long ago around the age of 6-7. She does have money from what read. She has a made and a nanny. Just now that she has no one where does she go. Emma starts to run and doesn’t turn back. She runs into this Indian guy who knows what’s going on and what just happened. He stops Emma from running past him. He tells her that he knows what’s going on and that she has to follow him. Emma looks at him like he’s crazy. He tells her that what ever happened to your mother happened to my farther and it’s because of use. The dark shadow that u sheen really wants to get to you. Emma is so scared she watched her mother kill her and now there's a guy who wants her to follow him and come with him to run away.
Emma moves to England She always wanted to move down there. Her grandmother had left all these letters. Emma read them everyday and there was always something new for her to want to explore in England.
Are the letters true? The Indian boy and Emma are walking the streets of England. This is not what Emma thought it would be like. She was looking for something to brighten up her day. Emma said it was a beautiful sight to calm yourself down. But she thought it would have lights everywhere.