National Honor Society Information for NHS Candidates Selection Procedures & Completing the Student Information Form
Chapter Purpose *To create an enthusiasm for scholarship *To encourage the development of strong character *To promote leadership *To foster a desire to participate in community service
Selection Process Step 1: Eligibility Criteria Step 2: Student Information Form Step 3: Faculty Evaluation of character and leadership Step 4: Review by Faculty Council
Step 1: Eligibility Criteria Step 1: Eligibility Criteria Be a junior or a senior Have a minimum GPA of Possess exemplary leadership, service and character in and out of the classroom
Student Information Form Student Information Form A critical document for the candidate to provide evidence of exemplary leadership & service. Failure to provide sufficient evidence of leadership and service in Parts II, III and IV may result in non- selection. Only include items from freshman year on. No middle school data.
Student Information Form Student Information Form You can supply copies of programs, certificates, etc. as proof. Complete this form in ink. Print clearly. Parent signatures are only acceptable if the sponsor or adult is no longer available.
Leadership ALL ELECTED and APPOINTED leadership positions in school, community or work activities while in high school. -Only positions in which you were directly responsible for directing or motivating others should be included.
Service Activities ALL service activities you participated in for the benefit of the community while in high school. Service is defined as activities that are done OUTSIDE of the school day for or on behalf of others for which no compensation has been given.
Service Activities Things you do for your family such as babysitting, cooking and mowing are NOT service. Be sure and explain the activity and the frequency. Ex.-1 hr every other week for 12 weeks.
Co-curricular Activities ALL activities you have participated in while in high school (within school and outside of school.) This includes clubs, teams, organizations.
Recognition and Awards Recognition and Awards List any recognition and/or award that you have received during high school that supports your candidacy for membership. These can be from school or outside of school.
Supplemental Information Supplemental Information Optional section To explain extenuating circumstances such as long-term illness, family problems that have affected participation and so forth
Step 3: Faculty Evaluation Step 3: Faculty Evaluation The CAHS faculty and Taft math teachers will complete a Faculty Evaluation form evaluating each candidate on the basis of character and leadership. Evaluations are completed by past and present teachers. Low evaluations may result in nonselection.
Submission Deadline Submission Deadline Student Information Packets are due by Thursday, October 30 th by 9:50 a.m.. to Mrs. Malik or Mrs. Whitus in C115 or C205. Forms will NOT be accepted after the deadline. Plan to get it in ahead of time in case you are absent. School business is NOT an acceptable excuse.
Step 4: Final Selection Step 4: Final Selection Both the Student Information Packets and Faculty Evaluation Forms will be reviewed by the Faculty Council for final selection. The Faculty Council consists of 5 faculty members appointed by the principal.
Notification Notification Non-selected candidates will be notified in writing. The opportunity to appeal the decision will be explained in the letter. Selected candidates will be notified in writing.
Member Responsibilities Member Responsibilities Monthly Chapter Meetings - 1st Wednesday of each month - 1st Wednesday of each 8:15, 12:35, or 8:15, 12:35, or 4:10 Chapter Service -8 points/4 hours of service through the chapter per semester. -8 points/4 hours of service through the chapter per semester.
Member Responsibilities Member Responsibilities Individual Service -14 points/7 hours of community -14 points/7 hours of community service per semester/ service per semester/ Service Points are due at the end of each semester. of each semester.Bylaws -You are responsible for all -You are responsible for all information in the bylaws. information in the bylaws. A grade check is done each six weeks.
Candidate Responsibilities Candidate Responsibilities Turn in this packet to sponsors by the due date. Late packets may not be considered. Results/notifications will go out in November. Induction will be Tuesday, Dec. 2 nd at 7 p.m. (Be there by 6:30) The first NHS meeting for new members will be in December. New members’ service hours will begin when the 2 nd semester begins.