Cystic Fibrosis Casey Kriak Joe Scalora Seyi Akinsola January 27, 2010 Period 9-10.


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Presentation transcript:

Cystic Fibrosis Casey Kriak Joe Scalora Seyi Akinsola January 27, 2010 Period 9-10

Summary of Cystic Fibrosis A genetic disorder that affects your respiratory and digestive system Cystic fibrosis is a autosomal recessive trait; meaning it requires to lower case letters You can be a carrier without having the disease; this means that your kids can have it Symptoms: coughing or wheezing, respiratory sickness, weight-loss, greasy stool, and salty tasting skin Cystic fibrosis causes 2 to 5 times more salt in your sweat There is no known treatment, but there is medicine that clears up the mucus from the lungs to prevent lung infection; which can extend the life of a patient

What Chromosome is it on? Cystic Fibrosis is located on the defected gene on chromosome 7. CFTR (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane conductance Regulator

What are Alleles? Alleles are traits that each gene carry represented with letters (eye, hair color etc.) Half of the alleles come from your mother and half of the alleles come from your father Each parent gives 2 alleles. The alleles are combined like a multiplication table and the new-born baby’s odds are made. Alleles could either be dominant or recessive. Brown eyes and right handed are examples of dominant and green eyes and left handed are examples of recessive. The traits are resembled in letters. F-dominant f-recessive. Two of the possible are combined in a punnet square. Ex. FF Ff, or ff. Any time a dominant allele is matched with a recessive allele the dominant wins Sex linkage uses X and Y’s. This determines what gender your child will be. A female is a homozygous link(XX) and a male is a heterozygous link (XY)

What is a Punnett Square? A Punnett square is a diagram that predicts to offspring of two parents using alleles. ANOTHER PREDICTION bb BBb B Aa AAAAa a aa ANOTHER PREDICTION cc CCc ccc HOMOZYGOUS DOMINANT HETEROZYGOUS DOMINANT HOMOZYGOUS RECESSIVE

PROBABILITY RATIOs: The Homozygous Dominant is (AA), the heterozygous Dominant is (Aa), the Homozygous Recessive is (aa). - ¼ is (AA): ½ is (Aa): ¼ is (aa) PERCENTAGES: The Homozygous Dominant is (AA), the heterozygous Dominant is (Aa), the Homozygous Recessive is (aa). - 25% is (AA), 50% is (Aa), 25% is (aa) Aa AAAAa a aa

Phenotype/ Genotype What these letters Mean? BB? Bb? Bb? Let’s say A was brown eyes and a was blue eyes and A is the dominant trait while a is recessive. (dominant trait shown on the organism.) Phenotype is what is shown on the organism. - AA=brown eyes - Aa=brown eyes (with a blue eyes carrier) - aa=blue eyes Genotype is what is in the genes of the organism - AA= HOMOZYGOUS DOMINANT - Aa= HETEROZYGOUS DOMINANT - aa= HOMOZYGOUS RECESSIVE Cystic Fibrosis is aa because it is a recessive trait. Aa AAAAa a aa

Possibilities Phenotype: - Ratios: ¾ chances the child would have brown eyes, ¼ chances the child would have blue eyes. - percentages: 75% out of 100% the child would have brown eyes, 25% out of 100% the child would have blue eyes. Genotype: -Ratios: ¼ is HOMOZYGOUS DOMINANT (AA), ½ is HETEROZYGOUS DOMINANT( Aa), and ¼ is HOMOZYGOUS RECESSIVE (aa) -Percentages: 25% is HOMOZYGOUS DOMINANT(AA), 50% is HETEROZYGOUS DOMINANT (Aa), 25% is HOMOZYGOUS RECESSIVE (aa) Aa AAAAa a aa

Autosomal Recessive Pedigree Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation Male -Female No Fill- Carrier of Cystic Fibrosis Filled- Has cystic Fibrosis

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