Chapter Eight Designing Career Development Plans With Clients Rich W. Feller Jackie J. Peila-Shuster Career Counseling: Foundations, Perspectives, and Applications edited by David Capuzzi and Mark Stauffer
Career planning is… “a straightforward process of understanding, exploring, and decision making, reflecting on your life, family, and work in a wider context. What complicates it is that careers and organizations are constantly changing. [Thus]… careers have been defined as a set of improvisations based on loose assumptions about the future.” Business: The Ultimate Resource (Perseus, 2000, p. 418)
The Evolution of Career Development Planning has moved over time from a mechanistic trait-factor approach to a holistic career development. From “fit model” to “mattering”
Career Planning Makes a Difference Research shows effectiveness and worth of Comprehensive Career Counseling. The Education, Social, and Economic Value of Informed and Considered Career Decisions report (America's Career Resource Network Association [ACRNA], 2003)
[ACRNA] 2003 report Educational: (a) (a)Improved educational achievement (b) (b)Improved preparation and participation in postsecondary education (c) (c)Better articulation among education levels (d) (d)Higher graduation and retention rates
Social: (a) (a)Higher levels of worker satisfaction and career retention (b) (b)Shorter paths to primary labor markets for young workers (c) (c)Lower incidence of work-related stress and depression (d) (d)Reduced likelihood of work-related violence [ACRNA] 2003 report (cont.)
Economic: (a) (a)Lower rates and shorter periods of unemployment (b) (b)Lower costs of worker turnover (c) (c)Lower incarceration and criminal justice costs (d) (d)Increased worker productivity [ACRNA] 2003 report (cont.)
Changing Perspectives Career Counselors Developing Self in many ways Awareness of Diversity Providing More than “Test and Tell” Integrating “Humanistic” Elements
Skills for Career Counselors Template for working with clients: 1. 1.Finding work that needs doing in changing global contexts 2. 2.Weaving our lives into a meaningful whole 3. 3.Connecting family and work 4. 4.Valuing pluralism and inclusivity 5. 5.Exploring spirituality and life purpose 6. 6.Managing personal transitions and organizational change (Hansen, 1997, pp )
Comprehensive Career Development Planning: Its Myriad Challenges Childhood Career Development Providing the Foundation Career Planning with Students Promoting Its Use Student “Presenting” Problems Career Planning with Non-School Clients Understanding Its Diversity
Comprehensive Career Development Planning: Its Myriad Challenges (cont.) Adults Want Career Planning Job Satisfaction Matters Adult “Presenting” Problems
Career Planning and Development with Organizations Organizational Planning Initiating the Process Maximizing Employee Contributions Developing Human Capital with Performance Incentives
Maximizing Employee Contributions 1. 1.Identifying strengths 2. 2.The right fit 3. 3.Great Managers 4. 4.Engaged Employees 5. 5.Engaged Customer 6. 6.Sustainable growth 7. 7.Real profit increase 8. 8.Stock increase
Developing Comprehensive Career Plans Identifying Career Competencies Identifying Individual Strengths Developing Individual Competencies Articulating Concrete Goals
Bordin (1997) Goal Creation 1. 1.Agreement between the client and the counselor on the outcomes expected in counseling 2. 2.Agreement on the tasks involved to achieve the outcomes 3. 3.A commitment between the client and counselor on the importance of the outcomes and tasks to both of them
Developing Comprehensive Career Plans (cont.) Goal Setting: An Iterative Process Creating Action Plans
Figler’s Career Counseling System What do you want to do? What is stopping you from doing it? What are you doing about it?
Recent and Emerging Trends in Career Counseling Career Coaching Plays a Greater Role Career Development Facilitators: Expanding Career Counseling Accessibility
Recent and Emerging Trends in Career Counseling (Cont.) Emotional Intelligence: Its Emerging Role in Comprehensive Career Development Helping Clients Readily Access Career Planning
References America’s Career Resource Network Association. (2003). The educational, social, and economic value of informed and considered career decisions. Bismarck, ND: Author. Bordin, E. S. (1979). The generalizability of the working alliance. Psychotherapy: Theory, research and practice, 16, Figler, H., & Bolles, R. N. (2007). The career counselor's handbook. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press. Hansen, L. S. (1997). Integrative life planning: Critical tasks for career development and changing life patterns. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Perseus (2000). Business: The ultimate resource. Cambridge, MA: Bloomsbury Publishing.