Succeeding in Senior Leadership Collette Nelson Denise Danielsen 19 th June 2013
Aims Create a framework for assessment task two Explore the distinctive nature of senior leadership Examine the impact of leadership style Clarify your team/school culture Consider ways of gaining ownership of the whole school project.
Key texts The Strategic Direction and Development of the School by Davies and Ellison How to Lead by Owen Emotional Intelligence by Goleman
Check-in Questions 1.What were the highlights of the SiSL module? 2.Has your learning impacted upon work practice? 3.What are the implications for ass. task 2
Senior Leadership: what does it look like? Consider Dr John Dunford’s opinion piece and work in a small group to prepare a short presentation on the distinctive nature of senior leadership in schools or academies.
Assessment Task Two Leading a school improvement priority across the school (details on pages Final Assessment Booklet)
Ass 2 Key Elements develop an action plan including targets devise and implement strategies to improve teaching and learning prepare staff for the effective delivery of the priority monitor and evaluate outcomes including teaching and learning take actions which involve leading, preparing to account teams of staff and individuals
Ass Task Competencies delivering continuous improvement modelling excellence in leadership of teaching and learning impact and influence self awareness personal drive analytical thinking holding others to account
Leadership Styles 1 - drivers Complete the drivers questionnaire and share the outcome with another person. Consider the implications for your leadership style How would you describe your leadership style to members of your team?
Leadership Styles visionary democratic coaching authoritative pace setting commanding
Leadership Styles - 2 Consider two scenarios in which you have been required to deal with challenging behaviours from a member of staff. Describe how you dealt with the situation Explore how you may have used different leadership styles to seek resolution
Constructive Criticism do it quickly, face to face and in private agree the facts ask questions and listen explain why it matters criticise the action agree a remedy end on a compliment
School Culture In your school describe: What is celebrated regularly? What has been condemned? What do you condone?
School Improvement Values Vision Strategy Plans
Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plans Vision Skills Incentives Action Plans Frustration Vision Skills Incentives Resources False Starts Vision Skills Resources Action Plans Slow Change Skills Incentives Resources Action Plans Confusion Vision Incentives Resources Action Plans Anxiety Success Jacqueline S. Thousand & Richard A. Villa Managing Complex Change; 2001 Dimensions of change
Task: Listening and Feedback Discuss your proposed focus for assessment task two with three colleagues. Talk for 5 minutes uninterrupted outlining your proposals. You colleagues will listen for different aspects: content/context emotion action
Next Steps Discuss the focus for assessment task two with your coach for line manager Consider how you will collect evidence for the seven competency areas Participate in the Closing the Gap SELTnet course 19 September 2013 – 10 October 2013