EU ETS & national inventory Dušan Vácha Czech Hydrometeorological Institute Copenhagen,
Content Situation in the Czech Republic –national inventory (system) –trading scheme Combustion –Oxidation factors –Emission factors –Net calorific values Processes Weighted averages Confidentiality
Situation in the Czech Republic - inventory Czech Hydrometeorological Institute since 1995 prepare official GHG emissions inventory in 2005 designated by ME as a single entity responsible for GHG inventory preparation (NIS) activity data is based mainly on the official documents of the Czech Statistical Office (Czech Statistical Yearbook, Czech Energy Balance) EF, Ox. factors are based mainly on default values
Situation in the Czech Republic – ETS competent authority is ME –close cooperation with CHMI – methodology, expert advice –CEI, Cenia – technology experts approximately 430 installations power and heating plants, metallurgical complexes, cement plants and refineries play a significant role main fuel is coal data for NAP ( ) –EF, Ox.F – default values –NCV – installations data –Ox.F. – default –EF – default, laboratory, calculated (gas fuels) –NCV – laboratory, fuel supplier
Situation in the Czech Republic – ETS table I
Situation in the Czech Republic – ETS table II
Oxidation factors
Emission factors Tier 1 –default IPCC Tier 2a –national values from latest national inventory, but neither NIR nor CRF tables includes so detailed data (in the CR) Tier 2b –correlation Tier 3 –laboratory (only some installation) Some operators -use national correlation for coal -calculation for gaseous fuels (biogas, gaseous fuels in refinery and steelworks, …)
Emission factors – national correlation for coal For czech coals (brown and hard) was derived (1999) this formula describing correlation between Net Calorific Values and CEF (EF) CEF (t C/TJ) = 10 * (2, ,511 / NCV (MJ/kg)) EF (t CO 2 /TJ) = ……. * 44/ More information in: P. Fott: Environmental Science and Policy, 2 (1999),
Emission factor – national correlation for coal
EFs for gaseous fuel I Calculation is based on chemical characteristic of individual gases in gaseous fuels. Basic information is chemical composition of these fuels (emission factor per volume unit) EF(t CO 2 /thous. m 3 ) = density CO 2 * SUM (N c i * Y i ) where N c i is amount of C atoms in molecule of gas i and Y i is volume fraction of gas i Example – converter gas: 1%H 2, 17%CO 2, 63%CO EF(t CO 2 /thous. m 3 ) = 1,963 (kg / Nm 3 )*(0,17 + 0,63) = 1,571 For annual EF is needed weighted average per year
EF for gaseous fuel I Net calorific value calculation from NCF of individual gases Q = Suma ( Y i * Q i ) (only combustible gases) Example - converter gas: 1%H 2, 17%CO 2, 63%CO H 2 CO Q=10,71*0, ,61*0,63 = 8,05 MJ/Nm3 EF = 1,571 / 0,00805 = 195,13 t CO 2 / TJ
Calculation spreadsheet for gaseous fuels More information in: Kolar F., Fott P., Svitilova J.: Emissions of Carbon Dioxide of Gaseous Fuels Calculated from their Composition, Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia (ISSN ) Vol.1, No.2 (134), , 2004
Net calorific values I Tier 1 –country specific IPCC –Out-of-date, general information, not enough categories (liquid), in many (all) cases are available higher tier data Tier 2 –country specific – national inventory –but neither NIR nor CRF tables includes so detailed data (in the CR) –another national data (CSO, MT, REZZO – Register of Emissions and Sources of Air Pollution) –2 200 sources, basic database for calculation country specific NCV Tier 3 –laboratory –supplier data or own laboratory data
Processes In general all EF are similar (based on stoichiometry) Changes in activity data and methodology Cement production –National inventory – Tier 1 – cement production, default EF –ETS – precise data about lime and dolomite –new atypical fuel (waste) –NEW - Tier 2 methodology – clinker (country specific EF derived from ETS data) Ceramics production –new sources of emissions (calcination, organic material in the clay), approximately 150 kt CO 2
Weighted averages Some operators had problems how to calculate weighted averages of EF (and Ox. factors) values are weighted with product of previous parameters
Confidentiality All data are available for national inventory team –this is consequence of very close and wide cooperation between ME a CHMI (on CHMI was processing all data for NAP and it is planning to process data for NAP (data for )). For this reason was prepared Excel sheet which is based on M&R Guidelines. For others are available only summary data for defined sectors or total emissions per installations
Reporting easy and simple form for operators automatic lists (fuels, material, categories, tiers, EF, NCV, Ox.F., …) special program for automatic processing (transcription of selected data to database) only in Czech
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