5 th to 6 th Edition
Additional Ethics topics added in chapter one. A few of the examples are: Self plagiarism – don’t take credit for someone else's work. Duplicate publication – don’t misrepresent data. Conflict of interest – Potential material that may color or influence the researcher should be revealed or noted. This information is found in chapter 1.
Updated Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS) have been added. These reporting standards relate to the introduction of a research problem, methods of selection, results and discussion of results. The 6 th edition manual also contains sample papers that illustrate these formats. This information is found in chapter 2.
Note, now the first four levels of headings are no longer in all caps but are bolded instead. Level 1 would be, your papers title at the beginning of the introductory paragraph. This information is found in chapter 3.
Guidelines have been added for reducing language bias and reducing outdated terminology.
Put two spaces after a period. Double space after punctuation at the end of a sentence. Write approximate lengths of time as words. This material is in chapter 4.
When writing out decimals, remember that you only put a zero in front of the decimal point if the number is less than one but the statistic can exceed one. This is found in chapter 4.
You can now use bulleted lists! One Two Three This is found in chapter 3
Chapter 5 provides you with everything inquiring minds want to know about displaying figures, tables and other statistical information, as well as a number of excellent examples.
The word “web” is not capitalized. The paragraph symbol is no longer used. Use the abbreviation “para”. The plural for appendix is appendices.
You can now cite sources without a page number. This can be found in chapter 6.
A DOI is a Digital Object Identifier. This is a number assigned to an online article. You need to use this number when citing an online article, such as a journal article. This number is located near the copyright notice. This information along with citing samples can be found in chapter 6.
Chapter 8 and the Appendix contain new features such as peer review, discussion, and sample papers. For further information check out the online tutorial new.aspx and the APA web site. new.aspxAPA web site