Writing a Formal Chemistry Lab Report Mr. Byrum North Sand Mountain High School Fall 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Writing a Formal Chemistry Lab Report Mr. Byrum North Sand Mountain High School Fall 2010

Goals of a Formal Lab Report Present the experiment, including its objectives. Why was it done? What question did you intend to answer? Record the results to sufficient detail that the reader builds trust in your thoroughness, can reproduce your data reduction and can draw their own conclusions about the results. Present your evaluation and conclusions from the results and give enough background and detail that others can independently evaluate and draw their own conclusions.

Sections of a Lab Report Title Page Abstract Introduction Materials Methodoogy Results Discussions References

Title Page Structure Title Page – –Name of your experiment –Your name –Other experimentalists’ names –Class Name –Date –Teacher’s Name –School Name (Title page is a separate page)

Title Page Example The Molar Heat of Fusion of Ice Pete Moss Partners: Harry Pitts and Shelia Wonderhorse Chemistry August 6, 2010 Mr. Byrum North Sand Mountain High School

Abstract Section –No lists. Give it in a few complete sentences –A brief overview – including a review of the results and conclusions. –Remember, most readers of the article will read only the abstract; therefore, it must be a concise review of the entire lab report. –Do not exceed 120 words. (Abstract page is a separate page)

Introduction Section Introduction –Why was the experiment run? What was the purpose? –Objectives – should be clear so that you know when they have been met. –This section should be at least two paragraphs.

Materials Section This section will list all of the materials including chemicals and equipment that was used to conduct the lab. Items should be listed in a bulleted format for clarity. Only capitalize items in the list that are proper names such as Erlenmeyer and Tirrill; most chemicals should not be capitalized.

Materials Section Example potassium nitrate hydrochloric acid ring stand burner wire gauze Erlenmeyer flask pipet

Methodology Section Experimental method –Enough detail to permit another to perform the same experiment. –Cite the source of the procedure. –Note any and all changes to published procedure. –This section is a step-by-step writing of exactly what you did in the lab experiment; be sure to write in passive past tense! –Remember, “If I were to lose my lab notebook, I would be able to use your notebook to conduct the lab again.”

Results Section Present results clearly and completely. The responses to the discussion questions are to be merged into this text. This is where you might compare your results with modeling results or theory. Actual data (with units) arranged in tables Observations (particularly unexpected ones) One set of calculations in complete detail

Discussion Section Discussion A short wrap-up of what was done, what you think about it, how it is to be used, what might be done as a continuation, what might have been done differently. Begin with a statement of results (no yields!) Analyze results in relation to purpose of experiment and available knowledge

References Section References Full, accurate citations By superscript number or by author APA style

Appendices Appendices – Appendices hold the details that only a few of the readers will need. The important parts of this material should be in the report body. Don’t expect the reader to read the appendices. –Lab notebook –Sample calculations. –Other items of interest to only the most interested reader.

Further Writing Details Word-processed, 12 cpi in Times New Roman font, and double-spaced Pages should be printed, single-sided, and numbered starting with the title page Third person, past passive voice (no “I”, “my”, etc.) Do not use contractions in a formal report (can’t, didn’t) Do not begin sentences with numerals PROOFREAD, PROOFREAD, PROOFREAD!!!

Tables Label as: Table 1, Table 2, etc. Include a brief self-explanatory title Consist of at least 2 columns Like objects listed vertically, not horizontally Numbers should have decimals vertically in line Heading or label with units on each column e.g., Mass (g), not just ‘g’ or ‘mass’

Websites for extra help… – APA style writingwww.apastyle.org /560/01/ - APA style writinghttp://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource /560/01/ /lab_report_complete.html - Scientific Lab Report Informationhttp:// /lab_report_complete.html bexperiments/a/labreports.htm - Writing Lab Reportshttp://chemistry.about.com/od/chemistryla bexperiments/a/labreports.htm

Closing Comments Start early. Leave time to: –Research properly before you write. –Write carefully and thoughtfully. Think of the reader. –Ponder, dwell and rewrite. –Seek and implement comments from others.

Closing Comments (cont.) Writing should be: –Clear. –Organized and logical. –Free of excessive jargon and acronyms specific to your local area (analytical not narrative). –Don’t click and paste. –Look at the figures. Will they be clear when reproduced? Is all the information needed to interpret them included? Avoid reliance on color – you want black and white copies to be readable as well.

Closing Comments (cont.) –Use paragraphs to separate and emphasize thoughts and concepts. –Each paragraph has a theme. Is the theme of that paragraph clear to any reader? –Write with maximum clarity. –Do not use contorted text that directs the reader elsewhere (“discussed in sect. 4.3 and as will be discussed in sect. 5.8…….”). –Avoid acronyms and jargon with which some reviewers may be unfamiliar. –How knowledgeable are they of your local topic? –How well will they know the terminology of your local topic?

Closing Comments (cont.) And the most obvious of all: –Proof read it carefully. Proof read it Have another who has not previously read it proof it. Spell check it. Grammar check it.

Remember! “If I were to lose my lab notebook, I would be able to use your notebook to conduct the lab again.”