Regional Centre Transport Vision 2013 Presentation to Salford City Council Members - 19 August 2008
Creating a transport strategy to complement a World Class City Regional Centre Transport Strategy
Regional Centre – Transport Vision 2013 Regional Centre Transport Strategy A strong identity Support quality developments Support well designed streetscape and public spaces Create a visitor-friendly environment Support for economic/ commercial development Produce a framework promoting access for all What does this require?
Regional Centre – Transport Vision 2013 Regional Centre Transport Strategy Accessibility by all modes and users Remove through traffic from city centre streets by making greater use of the Inner Ring Road Provide a safe and pleasant environment for pedestrians and cyclists Improve the public transport mode share for trips to/from the city centre Ensure balance of short stay and long stay parking and good access to the main car parks What do we have to achieve?
Regional Centre – Transport Vision 2013 Regional Centre Transport Strategy Review existing proposals i.e. Leigh Salford Guided Busway Complement with new ideas i.e. Oxford Road Bus Transit Develop a strategy which combines public transport, access and sustainable modes Consult with stakeholders and public Produce a business case as part of the TIF package Develop the infrastructure design and implement The process
Regional Centre – Transport Vision 2013 Regional Centre Transport Strategy A package of £3billion including: Congestion charging Significant public transport investment Greater control over the bus network Integrated ticketing Reduced through traffic in the centre but accessibility maintained to park and service The assumptions
The Package Regional Centre Transport Strategy
Regional Centre – Transport Vision 2013 The Package Salford Central station upgrade – Phase 1 committed scheme Improvements to Oxford Road Station interface with street Additional rolling stock Improvements to Victoria station – Network Rail /Muse scheme Manchester Hub – review of Piccadilly capacity Rail Proposals Rail generally serves commuters from outside the M60 Limited stops within M60 Trains generally too busy during peak periods for passengers boarding inside M60
Regional Centre – Transport Vision 2013 Enhanced network Phase 3a to Chorlton, Drolysden, Oldham, Rochdale and Media City committed Phase 3b to Didsbury, Airport, Ashton and Oldham/Rochdale town centres Potential additional routes to Trafford Centre and Stockport Additional trams Additional city centre capacity - Second City Crossing (2CC) Improved integration with bus The Package Metrolink Proposals
Regional Centre – Transport Vision 2013 Significant growth in numbers of buses expected to terminate in the city centre An increase in the number of buses terminating on city centre streets is not acceptable or sustainable Greater degree of influence over bus provision/network required Voluntary partnership arrangements assumed in Business Case Quality Contracts exist as an option if voluntary arrangements do not deliver Integrated ticketing will provide easier linkage with different PT modes 1 journey, 1 ticket an increase in off-bus ticketing An improvement in the perception of the bus product is required A hierarchical approach to provision A legible network of services by corridor The Role of Bus Buses will be required to deliver a significant proportion of the additional public transport demand
Regional Centre – Transport Vision 2013 Based on a combination of nearside termination and cross city services developed following consultation requiring a range of new interchanges for off-street termination of buses providing a high level of bus priority to ensure reliability of cross city services The Role of Bus The Strategy
Regional Centre – Transport Vision 2013 Termination facilities should be 100% off-street with new interchanges required in the city centre Greater degree of influence over bus provision/network will be available Integrated ticketing will provide easier linkages with different PT modes Good pedestrian links will be provided between the interchanges and key destinations Public transport provision will be supplemented by a revised Metroshuttle network Public transport priority infrastructure will be delivered on key corridors Cross city routes will focus on non-Metrolink/bus transit corridors A minimum frequency for all buses serving the Regional Centre The Role of Bus The Assumptions
Regional Centre – Transport Vision 2013 Additional Bus Transit corridors Oxford Road Leigh-Salford-Manchester Bolton to Manchester Cross City Bus Services Five routes serving destinations around the M60 through the city centre Assumes High level of bus priority on-street Off bus ticketing reducing dwell times Higher quality articulated vehicles The Package Bus Transit and Cross City Bus Proposals
Regional Centre – Transport Vision 2013 New Chorlton Street Salford Central Piccadilly Mayfield Improved Shudehill Parker Street Oxford Road Victoria Piccadilly The Package New and Improved Interchange Proposals
Regional Centre – Transport Vision 2013 Reduce through traffic Improve the flow on the Inner Ring Road Restrict access on existing through routes Provides capacity for public transport priority for cross city services Create pedestrian priority core Improves accessibility, safety and movement for pedestrians where flows are high Discourages traffic in the central core of the city – essential traffic permitted Encourages public realm enhancements Potentially allows traffic to access in the evenings to give a sense of life Develop an access system to car parks Encourage direct access from the Inner Ring Road Supported by a complementary signing system The Package Accessibility Improvements
Regional Centre – Transport Vision 2013 Encourage longer stay parking close to the Inner Ring Road Provide a real time information/variable message system discouraging traffic from the city core Encourage near side parking with Metroshuttle links to the rest of the city Review and monitor the supply of private parking Provide new structured parking to replace surface parking Provide suitable provision of ‘Blue Badge’ parking The Package Parking Strategy
Regional Centre – Transport Vision 2013 Develop a network of quieter routes and off-road routes Encourage modal shift Provide whole routes from city centre to destination Complement the key radial corridors Encourage cycling facilities within developments Provide additional cycle parking as required Develop a cycle hire scheme in the city core Provide infrastructure within the city centre Advance stop lines Limited cycle lanes where necessary Additional toucan crossings Improved signage of routes The Package Cycling Proposals
The Package Regional Centre Transport Strategy
Regional Centre – Transport Vision 2013 Supports CSURC development aspirations Improves direct connections across the city with cross city and bus transit services Reduces volumes of buses and reduction in general traffic through the Chapel Street area Wigan/Leigh-Salford-Manchester and Bolton to Manchester bus transit schemes Wide footways to facilitate improved public realm and landscaping where feasible Improves pedestrian and cycle connections linking adjacent communities Further planned improvements to Salford Central including a bus interchange on the Gore Street site – details being developed in conjunction with GMPTE and CSURC/SCC Potential to improve Metroshuttle connections Improvements to the flow of traffic around the Inner Ring Road Regional Centre Transport Strategy Salford – an integral part of the Regional Centre
Regional Centre – Transport Vision 2013 Regional Centre Transport Strategy Next Steps Formal approval of the Regional Centre Transport Strategy Development of schemes as part of the TIF development Subject to Referendum and successful DfT approval Further consultation with stakeholders on specific elements of the scheme Integration of development proposals as appropriate Implementation in time for the introduction of congestion charge