1 April 23, 2007Marek Domaracky the Next Generation Grid-enable Collaboration Welcome
2 April 23, 2007Marek Domaracky EVO Introduction The EVO concept Koala
33 VRVS/EVO Project Timeline 1995 Caltech/CMS group started development of a full Web based user interface for videoconferencing. In January 1997, pushed by strong demand from the LHC experiments, the Caltech/CMS group started a production prototype Web-based service named the Virtual Room Videoconferencing System (VRVS). During VRVS was widely recognized by Research and Education Communities worldwide. It became a core technology for IP-based video & multimedia services in Internet2. July 2001 VRVS is the first system to support multiple protocols (Mbone, H.323, MPEG) for collaboration over IP networks. February 2003, 1 st re-architecture of the VRVS System (97% Code redone) – User Authentication, Database, AccessGrid Support,.. December 2006, Release of the next generation collaboration system EVO, a “Globally Distributed Self Managed End- to-End Real-time Infrastructure” v0.4 v1.0 v2.0 v2.5 v3.0 v4.0 Version
44 Currently: 28,000 Users Registered from 140 Countries, more than 1,400 worldwide meetings involving more than 7,500 different users who start VRVS sessions per month It is the first Very Large Distributed System (using the Grid concept) deployed and used today in Production. Current Usage of VRVS April 23, 2007Marek Domaracky
5 HENP usage since January 2004 From January 2004 to July 2006, at least one VRVS meeting was booked with one of the following keywords in the title. Representing a minimum of 72 different Physics Experiments that use or have used VRVS: ALICE, ALTA, AMS, ASACUSA, ATHENA, ATLAS, BaBar, Belle, BES, CASA, CAST, CDF, CESR, CLEO, CMS, COMPASS, D0, DELPHI, DIRAC, E325, E94, EDM, EMU, FLARE, FOCUS, GEANT, GEM, GENIUS, GLAST, H1, HARP, HESS, HiRes, ICECUBE, ILC, ISAC, KamLAND, KOPIO, L3, LAND, LEGS, LHC, LIGO, Linear Collider, MACRO, MAGIC, MECO, MINOS, MIPP, Muon, NEMO, OPERA, OWL, PAMELA, PHENIX, PHOBOS, PLANCK, QuarkNet, Qweak, RICE, SAMPLE, SELEX, SigN, SNAP, SNO, STAR, TERA, TOTEM, TWIST, VENUS, VIRGO (ref: April 23, 2007Marek Domaracky
6 Connecting conference rooms, offices, auditoria, homes, and mobile clients, thus releasing users from locating special purpose conference rooms Interconnecting any standard client protocol using any media including audio, video, document sharing, chat, etc. Operating seamlessly across local area (LAN) and wide area (WAN) IP research and education networks used by HEP, as well as the public Internet Allowing integration into physicists’ daily desktop/laptop working environments, such as the Grid-enabled Analysis Environment developed at Caltech and elsewhere Current and Future Challenges April 23, 2007Marek Domaracky
7 Process to Developing Collaborative Tools Global Science Projects Industry products Usual Method Lot of Frustrations Get requirements (unique for large scale collaborations) Build a Collaboration System Integration of some products Investment in Support and Developments April 23, 2007Marek Domaracky
8 April 23, 2007Marek Domaracky End-to-End Self Managed RTC Infrastructure Why can we not achieve total reliability/robustness when deploying a RTC Infrastructure ? The Real-Time Collaborative environment is a living environment: constantly changing, evolving In addition, devices/domains/nodes are managed by several independent technical and administrative entities.
9 April 23, 2007Marek Domaracky Solution ? By creating a ”living” RTC Infrastructure capable to react/adapt to the change of the environment in real-time transparently to the end-user. Solutions ?
10 The Collaboration Network Infrastructure Apart from VRVS (and its successor EVO), existing conferencing and collaboration products and services are inadequate to meet the usability, quality, scalability, reliability, and cost requirements of large globally distributed collaboration The reason is that the network infrastructure component has been always the central element of the VRVS/EVO architecture design for collaboration Managing the collaboration service Managing the network Managing the network April 23, 2007Marek Domaracky
11 Centralized Servers H.323 or similar tools Pure Peer-to-Peer (i.e. Skype,.) New architecture (EVO) Servers Peer-to-Peer EVO Advanced Architecture: Fully Distributed System with no Single Point of Failure Clients Level Infrastructure Level Centralized Distributed Controlled, Managed and Distributed April 23, 2007Marek Domaracky
12 MonALISA / EVO Integration: End-to-End Self Managed RTC Infrastructure April 23, 2007Marek Domaracky
13 Functionality (a partial list): Dynamic registration to high level directory services to provide a global infrastructure view Automatic re-activation of components and services Automatic and secure code update Continuous monitoring of network quality (packet loss, jitter, latency) between its peers and its possible peers Automatic rerouting to obtain the best performance/quality Encryption between central nodes and between node and clients Automatic Alarm notifications when monitored parameters (system or network) go beyond a preset threshold (system or network) go beyond a preset threshold Dynamically provides services (video, audio, data,..) that matches the current resources/capabilities to the end users/applications Access to real-time and historical monitoring data Software Agents in the Core Infrastructure: Increase functionality and reduce operational manpower Intelligent Software Agents create an Overlay Network
14 Directory Services IM H.323 Mbone SIP MPEG … Local PC End-to-End RTC Self Managed Infrastructure IM, Chat, Presence, Packet Control VideoAudio Possibility to Encrypt IM, Chat, Presence message AND/OR Video packets AND/OR Audio packets All Communication channels are tunneled via ONE port (UDP or TCP). Crossing Firewall and NAT environment !! Possibility to Encrypt communication between Panda nodes Building an End-to-End Self Managed RTC Infrastructure MonALISA
15 Functionality (Partial List): Advanced client with Multi-OS support (Java based..)Advanced client with Multi-OS support (Java based..) Automatic detection of system parameters (CPU, Memory,..), hardware components (Audio card, video card, …), service capabilities (video, audio, …), network environment & level of capability (wireless environment, DSL, available bandwidth, …)Automatic detection of system parameters (CPU, Memory,..), hardware components (Audio card, video card, …), service capabilities (video, audio, …), network environment & level of capability (wireless environment, DSL, available bandwidth, …) Dynamically acquires services (video, audio, data,..) and sets parameters to match the current level of capability-level and available resources to the end-user’s applicationDynamically acquires services (video, audio, data,..) and sets parameters to match the current level of capability-level and available resources to the end-user’s application Continuously monitors the network quality (packet loss, jitter)Continuously monitors the network quality (packet loss, jitter) latency), and reroutes packets if and when needed latency), and reroutes packets if and when needed Automatic Alarm notifications are generated when monitored parameters (system or network) go beyond a preset threshold.Automatic Alarm notifications are generated when monitored parameters (system or network) go beyond a preset threshold. Client software agents: To increase reliability and reduce complexity for users Client software agents: To increase reliability and reduce complexity for users Intelligent Software Agents Running in the End-Systems April 23, 2007Marek Domaracky
16 Bookings: Book a scheduled meeting; Start an Ad-hoc meeting, invite a buddy to a private meeting, have permanent meeting room Bookings: Book a scheduled meeting; Start an Ad-hoc meeting, invite a buddy to a private meeting, have permanent meeting room IM Presence information, Group and Private concurrent chat sessions IM Presence information, Group and Private concurrent chat sessions UDP and TCP tunneling in one Port. Network Address Translation and Firewall transversal (multiple mechanisms) UDP and TCP tunneling in one Port. Network Address Translation and Firewall transversal (multiple mechanisms) Encrypt Video and/or Audio and/or IM/Chat and/or other data Encrypt Video and/or Audio and/or IM/Chat and/or other data Meeting management: Become a meeting moderator; Mute/Umute video/audio of a participant, kick-out a participant, add a new participant as moderator Meeting management: Become a meeting moderator; Mute/Umute video/audio of a participant, kick-out a participant, add a new participant as moderator Shared files in a virtual meeting space or send a file to individuals Shared files in a virtual meeting space or send a file to individuals Support any type of Video client-protocols: H.323, SIP, Access Grid, Mbone, etc. Support any type of Video client-protocols: H.323, SIP, Access Grid, Mbone, etc. Whiteboard Whiteboard Record Audio/Video/Chat/Whitebaord/Participants and then playback locally or broadcast to meeting. Record Audio/Video/Chat/Whitebaord/Participants and then playback locally or broadcast to meeting. Multilanguage support, IPv6 Compliant Multilanguage support, IPv6 Compliant System Features and Functions April 23, 2007Marek Domaracky
17 Connection to the Panda Automatic Time Zone Adjustment On-Going meetings, click to join Multi-Language Support Presence Chat Bookings The Koala Client (Java) Community Buddy
18 Subscribed Communities High Energy Physics Search Engine Global Scientific Communities subscriptions Global Scientific Communities April 23, 2007 Marek Domaracky
19 April 23, 2007Marek Domaracky Apart
20Marek Domaracky Whiteboard and Shared Files
21 April 23, 2007Marek Domaracky Booking
22 April 23, 2007Marek Domaracky H.323 and SIP
23 Recording and Playback
24April 23, 2007Marek Domaracky OpenGL based display mode
25April 23, 2007Marek Domaracky
26 Messenger -SIP H.323 MCU AccessGrid H.323 EVO: End-to-End Self Managed and Secure RTC Infrastructure April 23, 2007Marek Domaracky
27 Enabling Virtual Organizations Thank you April 23, 2007Marek Domaracky