INTERREG IVC 1 Declining, Ageing and Regional Transformation Central Bohemia Region (CBR) DART Declining, Ageing and Regional Transformation Central Bohemia Region (CBR) 6th of October 2010, Open Days
INTERREG IVC 2 PROJECT PARTNERS LP InvestitionsBank State of Brandenburg State of Saxony West Regional Authority Central Bohemian Authority Regional Council of North Karelia Joint Authority of Kainuu Regional Governance of Galicia Province of Limburg Veneto Region Lower Austria Health and Social Fund BSC – Business Support Centre Ltd. Lower Silesian Centre for Social Policy Centru Regional Development Agency
INTERREG IVC 3 PROJECT DESCRIBTION It is reaction to the fact that by 2030 every 3rd person in the EU will be 60 or older. INTERNATIONAL PROJECT MAIN GOAL: to propose solution to demographic changes in areas with declining and ageing population. FOCUSED ON EXPERIENCE SHARING, especially sharing good practices in 3 main issues: = economic = education = health and social services
INTERREG IVC 4 Facts about CENTRAL BOHEMIA REGION Basic Data (relevant to 2009) Area: km2 Population: inhabitants Proportion of the Czech Republics population: 11 % Population density: inhabitants/km2 Number of municipalities: of which 80 towns Proportion of town population: % Regional Capital: no Regional Capital, headquarters located in Prague
INTERREG IVC 5 Demographic data – social area elderly people over age of (60 % of woman and 40 % men) rate will increase from 14 % in 2008 to 32 % in 2050 Central Bohemia region: number of seniors according to gender and age cohorts Age: Age: Age: more than 80 F M
INTERREG IVC 6 Elderly Health and Social Services homes for old people: 64 with a total capacity of clients 14 Homes for people with special needs – facility for people who are less self-sufficient due to senile dementias; Alzheimer disease or other dementias. 5 hospitals managed by Regional Authority (in the towns of Kladno, Kolín, Příbram, Mladá Boleslav and Benešov) 41 municipal or private hospitals (beds parts and clinics) or medical attendances, old peoples homes, childrens homes, medical institutions and mental houses, rescue services and emergencies 3500 doctors - various specialisations - but unequal availability of health care for the elderly in all municipalities (cities, towns, villages)
INTERREG IVC 7 Regional hospitals in Central Bohemia Region
INTERREG IVC 8 Weak points of CBR Weak points lack of network of social service for the elderly living out of city in distant areas: Outpatient Social Service Housing social services Home assistance insufficient support of subsidiarity (on the level of citizen and public administration, where municipalities dont want to take over the responsibility for their citizens) low intergenerational and communal solidarity
INTERREG IVC 9 weak points of CBR insufficient health prevention especially in issues such as nutrition and healthy life style; insufficient providing of information concerning health and social issues, e.g. possibilities of social and health services; insufficient transport connection for Central Bohemia citizens to get to unexisting healthcare network; low use of ICT in health system e.g. the relation and communication between a health-care-provider and a patient.
INTERREG IVC 10 Target of CBR Targets of CBR within DART to support elderly people to remain self-sufficient and stay in their homes as long as possible. to support Social Inclusion of the elderly: creating Supportive Home Housing Policies (to support a better quality of life, better psychological wellness and positivity that helps keeping the elderly living in their homes). ensure the social and health services in low populated areas and raise awareness of ageing (e.g. on nutrition, prevention of diseases). Exchange of the best practices with each partner of DART in the area of public services dedicated to the elderly.
INTERREG IVC 11 Activities of CBR Envisaged activities: Identification of the most affected areas by demographic changes (analysis). Finding the best tools to ensure better accessibility to basic social and health services and to improve their quality, especially the service for the elderly (recommendation).
INTERREG IVC 12 Activities Other possible activities: Assess impact (benefits) of innovative social systems which might complement existing social network and design the most effective one. Regional information centres (care points) System of volunteers/assistants (neighbourhood assistance) Comparing the opportunities for social inclusion of the elderly in two municipalities, which are similar in number of population, area and some demographic data (comparative study). The outputs should be implemented into strategic documents such as Regional Development Plan and Mid-term Social Service Development Plan.
INTERREG IVC 13 Thank you for your attention Lucie Línková Project manager Regional development department Tel.: