Linking the World Through Learning Anticorruption Country Knowledge Strategies Development Finance Economics Education Governance Health Journalism Private Sector Development Poverty Reduction Project Management Rural Development Social Protection Urban Development Partnerships for Knowledge Sharing NATO ANW/CEENet Zagreb, Sept. 2002
Linking the World Through Learning The Goal Provide access for decision makers to a global and regional knowledge exchange and to information on key development issues Build and strengthen capacity to better manage economies
Linking the World Through Learning The Approach Apply modern communications technologies to: reach a wide audience offer content from a broad range of sources reach a critical mass of participants to effect change
Linking the World Through Learning Target Audience Decision makers in: Government Paragovernment agencies NGOs Academia Civil society Private Sector
Linking the World Through Learning The Media Mix integrated mix The ideal distance education delivery system will rarely be based on a single platform, but rather, it will be an integrated mix of methods, technologies and networks, with their appropriate educational benefits and learner support services.
Linking the World Through Learning Distance Learning Centers Videoconference room: 30 seats 10 PCs Video screen - 256K connection Synchronous data screen Teaching desk Multimedia Room: 30 PCs 512K connection to Internet Connectivity: Video, voice and data by VSAT, ISDN and the Internet Videoconference room: 30 seats 10 PCs Video screen - 256K connection Synchronous data screen Teaching desk Multimedia Room: 30 PCs 512K connection to Internet Connectivity: Video, voice and data by VSAT, ISDN and the Internet
Linking the World Through Learning
GDLN Product Lines Video-Conference Seminars Courses Video-conference sessions complemented by electronic learning and online collaboration Global Dialogues Computer-based Courses
Linking the World Through Learning ECA Content Focus Public Governance and Institution Building Private Sector Support with Emphasis on SMEs Health Sector Reform Anti Corruption Measures Pension Reform Roundtable – Periodic Lectures – Dialogues
Linking the World Through Learning Spain - programs for Latin America UK – British Council Italy – Milan Chamber of Commerce Canada - DLCs and content Germany – University of Bonn Japan - Japan Net, a linked network Partnerships in Progress
Linking the World Through Learning Central Asia Knowledge Sharing Initiative (CAKSI) Five year, multi-donor initiative to develop distance learning centers, demand-driven content and distance learning capacity in Central Asia. Three main components: infrastructure, content development and capacity building. Partnership with the Virtual Silk Highway and NRENs
Linking the World Through Learning GDLN Impacts So Far Improved decision-making through interactive learning Enhanced country-to-country exchanges among experts and practitioners More cost-effective course delivery But we have a lot to learn about distance learning for development professionals from our partners…
Linking the World Through Learning Contact Us Visit our website: Central Asia GDLN Coordinator Devrin Weiss tel: 1 (202)