REMOS 2015 Presentation/Project Title Student Name (Matriculation No.) 29 May 2015
Research Background Describe briefly the motivation of the research.
Problem Statements Describe briefly the current situations/problems.
Research Objectives
Project Scope/Proposed Solutions
Literature Review Give the total number of research papers that have been reviewed, and itemised each category (i.e. journal articles, conference proceedings, books, articles from websites, newspapers, magazines, etc.). Present a summary of the literature review (salient findings, implication, trends, etc.). Research ArticlesNo. of Articles Reviewed Years of Publication (From ? Year – until ? Year) 1. Journal articles 2. Conference proceedings 3. Reference books 4. Website articles 5. Newspaper articles 6. Articles from magazines 7. Others (indicate the type of articles)
Research Method
Research Outlines Describe briefly the research activities and deliverables/output of each activity.
Project Schedule Gantt chart. Indicate your plans to achieve/complete your research.
Target Users (Optional)
System Architecture (Optional)
Research Contributions/Benefits Indicate publication details, i.e. number of articles/papers published in scholarly journals and/or conference proceedings, papers under review process (accepted), and papers in preparation or plan to submit, respectively. Publication Details No. of Articles Year of Publication (From ? Year – until ? Year) PublishedUnder review process In progress/ plan to submit 1. Journal articles 2. Conference proceedings 3.Others (indicate the type of articles) Contributions or benefits that will be gained from the research outcomes/findings, etc. (e.g.: Reduce testing time; New testing technique, etc.)
Research Work Progress (until 18 May 2015) Indicate the date (i.e. semester and academic session) that you have registered for the MSE project OFFICIALLY. Indicate change of research topic, and when the change was made (if relevant). Actual work completed based on the research activities and project Gantt chart since the project registration date (e.g.: Literature review - 50% completed (behind schedule); system design – 10% completed (according to planned schedule), etc.). Time spent on the research daily/weekly/monthly (e.g.: 2 hours per day; 3 hours per week; etc.) Remaining time required to complete the research work (estimate how many weeks or months needed to complete the research).
Commitment and Ability to Complete Research Indicate how often do you discuss and report your research progress to your supervisor (e.g.: Once a week; once a month; or bimonthly, etc.). NOTE: Do not indicate your supervisor’s name in the PPT presentation file. Students who disclose their respective supervisor’s name will be disqualified from the judging process. Indicate your ability to complete the research (Example: Able to complete the remaining research work within 12 months, and complete writing of dissertation within 4 months after completion of research work.).
References List the details of each reference using APA format.