What the Writing Center Can Offer You
Friendly Environment First, the Writing Center is a friendly, open, and inviting place for students, faculty, and staff to visit to receive free assistance with most aspects of writing.
Assistance The Writing Center is student-focused. We assist students with most aspects of writing from brainstorming and drafting to refining the final product and citation/ reference styles.
Assistance Specifics Come visit us at the Writing Center where you can: Receive free tutoring on writing assignments Identify and solve your writing problems Brainstorm the organization of your paper Review APA Style guidelines
What We Do Not Do The tutors at the Writing Center will work with you to guide you through your papers rather than simply pointing out errors. In this way, it is our hopes that you learn more about yourselves as writers and gain skills that will help you throughout your time at UMW and beyond.
Sessions The student should always a copy of the paper to their tutor and bring a printed copy of the paper to the session. While it is not required, it is never a bad idea for you to bring in or send the assignment as well so the tutor understands what is being asked for the assignment.
The Tutorial The tutor typically begins by reviewing the assignment sheet and asking what concerns the student has about the paper. The tutor may work on only one section or try to cover the entire draft. The tutor asks questions rather than gives answers, leading the student to discover what is wrong and what to do to correct the problem. Sessions normally last from 30 to 50 minutes.
The Tutorial At the end of the session, the tutor writes a report giving a summary of what was discussed during the session. The report is not an evaluation of the paper or the student. A copy of the report is sent to the instructor for whom the student is writing the paper.
Making Appointments To make an appointment, come by the South Building Lobby or call
Hours of Availability Monday through Thursday 3:00 pm-8:00pm Monday through Thursday 10:00-12:00pm (Online Only) Friday 3:00am-7:00pm Additionally, there are online only weekend hours on Saturdays from 10:00-12:00 pm and Sunday 6:00-9:00 pm.
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