Finding the Right Digital Resources Rick Johnson E-Research and Digital Initiatives March 12, 2013
Where do I start? *Linking Open Data cloud diagram, by Richard Cyganiak and Anja Jentzsch.
Maybe Google This is a start…
Articles, eJournals, Databases
Repository Resources
Repository Resources
Repository Resources
Why Share My Work? “ …timely attention to digital research data sharing and management is fundamental to supporting U.S. science and engineering in the twenty-first century.” “Data should be shared using persistent electronic identifiers, which enable automatic attribution of authors and award funding.” * Task Force on Data Policies Committee on Strategy and Budget National Science Board,“Digital Research Data Sharing and Management”, December , NSB-11-79, p. 4, 16
Why Share My Work? “The promise of the digital is not in the way it allows us to ask new questions…The promise is in the way the digital reshapes the representation, sharing, and discussion of knowledge. We are no longer bound by the physical demands of printed books and paper journals, no longer constrained by production costs and distribution friction…And we should no longer be content to make our work public…along ingrained routes, authors and readers alike delayed by innumerable gateways limiting knowledge production and sharing.” *“The digital humanities is not about building, it’s about sharing,” Mark Sample, May 25, 2011,
What Would I Share? Dissertation Supplementary materials Link or archive? (fair use and copyright) Datasets, images, video, etc. Place in a Digital Repository to be preserved, citable, and discoverable
CurateND A new campus service launching in fall 2013 focused on Curating, Preserving, Linking, and Sharing scholarly work including datasets, ETD’s, images, and other digitized content Central place to archive or link to work Integration with personal and shared storage spaces for easy deposit DOI minting service Share via public, campus, or private searches
Describe Your Work Enter Title, abstract, and other descriptive information
CurateND Uploads Upload your dissertation (Also supports uploading supplementary materials)
CurateND Permissions Public and Private Permissions Embargo Periods (To Be Added)
CurateND IP Contributor Agreement related to deposit, intellectual property, copyright, and fair use
When will CurateND support ETD’s? Pilots for ETD’s beginning October, 2013 Some will use current ETD system at before then All existing ETD’s will be migrated to CurateND following pilots
Contacts Rick Johnson, CurateND, ETD technology, E-Research Shari Hill, Graduate School Linda Sharp, Copyright
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