Introduction To get an idea of a national picture of how obesity is currently being addressed in Physical Education curricula in the United States, Learning Team D decided to evaluate two different Physical Education curricula. We geared our evaluation study to the sixth grade physical education program at the Memorial Middle School in Middlebury, CT and the Discovery Intermediate School in Kissimee, FLA.
Educational Philosophy and Mission The mission and philosophy statements of both schools presents a student base centered. Memorial Middle School Physical Education represents a detailed listing of the benefits and the outcomes expected through the implemented curriculum. The Discovery School in Florida inspires a safe, caring environment that instills a lifelong love of learning with expectations of high standards, citizenship, and excellence in academic and personal areas
Curriculum content alignment to federal, state, and/or district standards: Obesity program of both schools reflect the reality issue as a curriculum issue on a national scale and meets standards ( in Physical Education Literacy and Responsible Physical Activity Behaviors) for Discovery Intermediate School District Physical Education Curriculum at ediate_school1.htm and Region 15 School District Physical Education Curriculum at ediate_school1.htm
Curriculum content alignment to federal, state, and/or district standards: Recent revisions in Memorial Middle School Physical Education curriculum- students learn the physiological connection between obesity and the pulmonary system (Region 15, 2003). Discovery Middle School use individual fitness data to develop reasonable and achievable goals for students..
Curriculum content reflects appropriate subject matter: Discovery Middle School and Memorial Middle sees the implementation of the Obesity program as a way to employ good citizenship and develop lifelong skills. Teachers at the both schools are encouraged to employ various teaching strategies, techniques and approaches for instruction- integrating other subject areas. Teachers at the Discovery School become knowledgeable of individual student learning styles, use diagnostic testing and then closely monitor student progress.
Curriculum content reflects appropriate subject matter: The FLA School District (Discovery Middle School) plans to implement an Obesity and Rhythmic Program more than three times a week to use Physical Education as a solution to the problem as well as to better integrate math and health subjects for this grade level six. Both School Districts demonstrate infusion of reading and writing, and integrated units to promote unit on Obesity-develop strategies to enable students to think critically, solve problems, and develop necessary life skills
Curriculum content reflects appropriate subject matter: Obesity program of both school curriculum offer many benefits: development of motor skills needed for enjoyable participation in physical activities; promotion of physical fitness; increased energy expenditure; and promotion of positive attitudes toward an active lifestyle.
Are measures of student achievement clearly defined? Discovery Middle School, must provide individual fitness data on each student using the free exercise equipment it received with a $225,000 foundation grant. Although there is no specific mention of a learning theory that underlies the curriculum, the title of the Memorial Middle School Physical Education curriculum packet is: “ Performance Based Learning and Assessment.”
Is technology integrated within the curriculum? The Discovery School has quality software and new gym equipment - exercise equipment with sensors on the underside that record each student's data. Teachers and students are trained to use new equipment Memorial Middle School students learned to use latest technology to take readings and chart graphs for rhythmic movement in pulmonary fitness program.
Is technology integrated within the curriculum? Teacher and student training is provided for in both schools on how to record the data for activities and programs on obesity Training on software and technology allow the instructors to develop individual programs for students.
Recommendations: The Physical Education curriculum could incorporate more cultural diversity and more collaboration with other disciplines. This would be in keeping with the goal of teaching for more understanding. Team D agrees with the Physical Education department in Middlebury CT statement “that there was a perceived need to teach for more understanding of the connection between physical activity and fitness for a healthy lifestyle” (Hellman, 2003).
Recommendations: Teachers and educators must be concerned with the welfare, safety and harmony of their students and their community.
Reference Discovery Intermediate School in Kissimee, FLA Retrieved on January 28, 2004, from diate_school1.htmhttp:// diate_school1.htm Kissimee School District, (2004). Physical Education Curriculum. Kissimee, Fla. Retrieved on January 28, 2004 from Fla. Retrieved on January 28, 2004 from
Reference Memorial Middle School in Middlebury, CT, (2004). Retrieved on January 28, 2004 from ( Region 15 School District, (2004). Physical Education Curriculum. Middlebury, CT. Retrieved on January 28, 2004 from.
Reference Hellman, J. (2003). Memorial Middle School Interview. Physical Education Director. Pomperaug Reginal School District 15, Middlebury, CT. 10/2/2003