The Life of David Grisso By: D.L. Grisso
About Myself 18 Years old Senior of Bland High School Have 1 Sister and 2 Brothers Divorced parents 2 Stepparents Active member in my FCCLA chapter FCA member Bachelor Mixed personalities Good friend to all
From the Beginning Born in Greenville, Texas on October 11, 1984, at 1:45 AM at Greenville Presbyterian Hospital Parents: Warren Grisso and Donna Box
Siblings 1 Sister-Sharon Box 2 Brothers-Chris and Jordan Grisso
My Education Home Schooled for 1 year When I was 4, the Quinlan ISD would not let me into Pre-Kindergarten because my birthday was in October. My Mother and Grandmother taught me how to read and write.
Pre-Kindergarten-Quinlan Quinlan Kindergarten Started at age 5 Teacher: Mrs. Sockwell Had a chance to advance to the 1 st grade, but didn’t take it.
Kindergarten-Quinlan Quinlan Kindergarten I was 6 years old when I started Teacher: Mrs. Whitehead
1 st Grade Through 3 rd Grade- Quinlan D.C. Cannon Elementary 1 st -3 rd grade Teachers: –1 st Grade: Mrs. Beadles –2 nd Grade: Mrs. Jones –3 rd Grade: Mrs. Connell
4 th Grade-Quinlan A.E. Butler Intermediate School Multiple Teachers 1)Mrs. Nowlin 2)Mrs. Baggott 3)Ms. York 4)Mrs. Jones (same as 2 nd Grade)
My Summer Vacation that changed my life once I left Texas to visit my dad and step-mom for the first time. I stayed all summer. While I was there, I was tortured by my two younger brothers. I got accused over everything they did. It started a little fire deep inside of me that rose to the torture I live today.
5 th Grade-Bland Moved to Merit Attended Bland Elementary Teachers: –Homeroom/ Science-Ms. York (same as 4 th grade) Married during the year and changed name to Phillips –Math- Mrs. Allen –English- Mrs. Chamberlain
6 th Grade-Bland Bland Elementary Teachers: –Mrs. Britton: Homeroom, Math, Social Studies –Mrs. Chamberlain: English –Mrs. Toliver: Science
7 th Grade-Quinlan ISD (again) C.B. Thompson Middle School 7 teachers Lockers 1 st girlfriend (who was a slut) Hard homework
8 th Grade-Bland Bland Middle School 7 teachers –Mrs. Jackson-History –Mrs. Davis-Spanish –Mrs. Rolen-Computer –Coach Browning-Earth Science/P.E. –Ms. Funderburk- Reading –Mrs. Chapman-Math
9 th Grade-Bland Bland High School 6 teachers –Coach Tidwell: I.P.C. –Mrs. Dodd: Home Economics –Coach Jones: U.S. History/P.E. –Coach Makin: Algebra I –Mrs. Morrison: English I –Mr. Pierce: Computer
10 th Grade-Bland Bland High School 6 Teachers –Ms. Smith: World History/Geometry –Coach Jones: Health/P.E. –Mrs. Johnson: Speech –Mr. Patterson: English I, II –Coach Tidwell: Biology
11 th Grade-Bland Bland High School Teachers –Ms. Griffin: English III –Mr. Jones: Math Models/Algebra I (first semester) –Mr. Bushland: 3 Computer Classes –Mrs. Johnson: Business Management & Multimedia –Mrs. Morrison: U.S. History (first semester)
12 th Grade-Bland Bland High School Teachers: –Coach Jones-3 History Classes –Ms. Griffin-English IV –Coach Makin- Geometry –Coach Moore- Computer
Girlfriends over the years First Girlfriend was in 7 th grade Last girlfriend was in 12 th Grade Names: –Rachel Taylor (7 th Grade) –Stephanie McClellan (8 th through 10 th Grade on/off) –Kim Beekmann (9 th Grade) –Cassie Novak (9 th and 10 th Grade on/off) –Amanda Deuterman (12 th Grade) –Tosha Gailley (12 th Grade)
School Activities Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) University Interscholastic League (UIL)
My Hobby for right now Right now I am writing a book. It stars me, but it’s not my autobiography.
The End of My Life (so far)