Scientific Method Properties Melissa Chamberlin May 3,
Purpose The purpose of this learning experience is to teach students how what the scientific properties are. The students will also learn that the scientific properties are not only for scientists but for every day people. 2
School Maryvale Intermediate School Cheektowaga N.Y. 3
Grade Level & Ability of Students Mrs. Kiby’s 4 th grade Age Range: 9-11 years Total of 21 students: 11 boys, 10 girls 4
Grade Level & Ability of Students Resources students receive: Title 1 Reading Service: 2 504 Plan: 1 OT- for handwriting: 2 Resource room: 6 Counseling services: 1 5
Time Frame Prior Unit Classification of animals Current Unit Lessons 2 & 3 out of 3 week unit Lessons 45 minute periods After Unit Energy & Motion 6
Objectives The students will be able to: write detailed and good descriptions of the different scientific properties with 95%-100% accuracy. recognize that the scientific properties are used in everyday life with 100% accuracy. 7
Objectives The students will be able to: Identity the scientific properties with 100% accuracy. 8
Essential Questions What are the Scientific Properties and how do we use them in everyday life? Guiding Questions What the properties are? How do we use the properties to observe and describe objects? How do make good detailed descriptions? 9
Enduring Understanding The value of Scientific Properties and how they are used in everyday life. 10
Student’s Tasks Students will apply the Scientific Properties using a gummy worm and a coin. Students will practice using the Scientific Properties and observing household items. Students will create a poster using the Scientific Properties and present to the class. 11
12 Developing Student Work
Developing Student Work 14
Developing Student Work Student earned points due to: Including all properties Student lost points due to: Lack of neatness and creativity Spelling Lack of details in descriptions 15
Proficient Student Work 16
Proficient Student Work 17
Proficient Student Work 18
Proficient Student Work Student earned points due to: Pictures Details in descriptions Creativity and neatness Student lost points due to: neatness 19
Distinguished Student Work 20
Distinguished Student Work 21
Distinguished Student Work 22
Distinguished Student Work Student earned points due to: Detailed description of properties Making real life connections Including all the properties Creativity and Neatness 23
New York State Standards New York State Learning Standard: Math, Science, and Technology NYS MST Standard: Science (4) - Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science. Grade Level: 4 Area of study: The Physical Setting 24
New York State Standards Key Idea: (3) - Matter is made up of particles whose properties determine the observable characteristics of matter and its reactivity. Performance Indicator: 3.1 observe and describe properties of materials using appropriate tools Major Understanding: 3.1B Matter has properties (color, hardness, odor, sound, taste, etc.) that can be observed through the senses. 25
Assessments Pre-assessment Students will take a 10 question quiz. For the purpose of this LE only the following questions were looked at: What are the three states of matter? A has a volume and but no definite shape Which of the following are Scientific Properties? The Scientific Properties are: Describe a rock using three of the Scientific Properties 26
Assessment Pre-assessment Results Based on pervious questions stated 27 Number of Students Distinguished Proficient Developing 74 and below
Assessment Post-Assessment Students were required to create a Mystery Object Poster They were graded based on a rubric 28 Number of Students Distinguished Proficient Developing 74 and below
Mystery Object Rubric Attributes Fantastic 4 Stellar 3 So, So 2 Needs Work 1 Properties of Matter _____ / 4 points All seven properties are included on the poster, clearly labeled, used in a complete and proper sentence. All seven properties are included on the poster, not clearly labeled, not used in a complete or proper sentence. Missing one or two properties, some of the properties are clearly labeled. There is some use of complete and proper sentences Missing several different properties, no use of complete or proper sentences. Properties are not clearly labeled. Descriptions of properties _____ / 12points All seven properties are described using the starter sentences. Each property given in great detail. All seven properties are described using the starter sentences. Descriptions of different properties are vague and need some more detail Includes some of the starter sentences and some detail when describing the different properties. No properties are described using the starter sentences. Very little or no detailed is used when describing the properties. Creativity/ Neatness _____ / 4 points Use of poster board, neat, uses a ruler when necessary, lots of bright colors, eye appealing. Includes pictures that are associated with the descriptions of the properties. Use of poster board, neat, use of ruler, missing some pictures, pictures does not match the description of the properties. Missing several pictures, some pictures do not match the descriptions of properties, very little use of color. No poster board, no ruler to make lines, not very colorful and no pictures. Total: 29
Mystery Object Rubric 30
Mystery Object Rubric 31
Modification Table 32 Using an erasable pen instead of pencil along with a grip. Modification The student has trouble holding onto the pencil, and pressing down to make lines. Rationale The pen allows the student to see what she is writing and yet she can still erase in case she makes a mistake. The grip allows her more control of her pencil. Benefit
Modification Table 33 Line writing paper, used common in the lower grades to help with letter formation. Modification The student has a hard time making letters big enough to fit on the paper and readable Rationale The students is able to have a visual and see how big her letters should be to fit on the line Benefit
Reflection Students loved the idea of creating a poster Included a public speaking aspect to the project or a writing piece Create a different post assessment 34
Thank You Thank you to peer review group for all the support and feedback! 35