Arrival Information
Doors open 8:25 Students in homeroom by 8:35 Students dismissed at 3:15 Half-Day dismissal at 12:25 Enter and exit at front doors only Parent drop off in driveway; can only drop on Crosswicks after all buses have departed CHILD program at CBS A.M. at MIS P.M. Band/Strings Drop off by Gymnasium Door Arrival Information
What’s the same?
Art Vocal Music Concert (December) General Music Class Library Health Physical Education Spanish ELPAT (PEP at PMS/CBS) Lunch and Recess Speech/OT/PT Basic Skills Intervention What’s The Same?
What’s new?
New Friends! New Teachers! Lockers Technology/Computer class Instrumental Music Band Strings Newspaper Club Student Council Other New Clubs on the horizon! Buddy Classes Service Projects What’s New?
PTO Sponsored Events
Lenape Lifeways Science Assembly Grade 5 Trip to Franklin Science Institute Snacks for NJ ASK Testing Grade 4 Trip to Sayen Gardens Field Day End of Testing Laser Show Assembly T-Shirts! Snacks for Events PTO SPONSORED EVENTS
Fall and Spring Book Fair School Store and Pretzel Sales Back To School BINGO Halloween Dance (Grades 4 and 5) Trenton Devils Ice Hockey Game Trenton Thunder Baseball Game International Sports and Skating Center MacFarland’s Got Talent Grade 5 Spring Fling End of Year Picnic Fundraising, Fundraising, Fundraising! PTO Events
Ms. Meg Perrine, School Counselor Anti-bullying: From Bystander to Upstander - HIB Laws C.H.A.R.A.C.T.E.R. Individual Counseling Group Counseling – “Lunch Bunches” Peer Facilitators Study Skills Conflict Resolution GUIDANCE
Summer Skills
Transition from third grade to fourth grade can be termed a transition from learning to read to reading to learn. Read along with your child – ask them to paraphrase what they have read and discuss it. Students lose skills over the very long summer vacation Combat: Read, read, read Math Facts Have your student complete summer exercises Does your child need a phone in Intermediate School? Monitor your children’s computer use Social Networking can lead to bullying! SUMMER SKILLS
Summer Reading
Mrs. Christine Corcoran 500 minutes for the summer Goal: about - 10 minutes per day (you may choose to skip some days) Can do it in 9 days with 1 hour in 8 days and 20 minutes on the last day One writing assignment Parents need to initial reading minutes and submit paper Papers will be given to third grade teachers mid-June; will be available on the MIS website SUMMER LANGUAGE ARTS
Grading System- Reading Divide minutes on a 500 pt scale to see grade: Example 450 minutes x 100 ÷ 500 = grade of or more minutes = A+ 100% minutes = A- 90% minutes = B- 80% minutes = C- 70% minutes = D- 60% Less than 300 = F Grading System – Writing P Advanced Proficient = 100P Proficient = 85 pts PP Partially Proficient = 70 pts SUMMER LANGUAGE ARTS GRADING
Parent Placement Surveys Sent home with grade 3 in May – more available tonight Please return these pages tonight, or send them in an envelope to your school labeled “MIS Main Office.” Your child’s teacher or office will forward them to us! COMMUNICATION
Summer Reading will be sent home June 13 and available on the internet in June Supply lists will be sent home and available on the internet in June Class Assignments sent home at the end of August There will also be an opportunity on Wednesday, September 4 between 1 and 2 p.m. for students to find their homerooms, to introduce themselves to their fourth grade teacher and to drop off any school supplies TRANSITION