Lathrop Intermediate School Program Verification / Orientation Week School Year 2014 – 15 August 18 – August 23, 2014 Be RespectfulBe ResponsibleBe Safe
Lathrop Intermediate AVID Program AVID’s aim is to direct students down a college-bound path. – Students will participate in a program that includes: – Tutorials – Teaching of organizational skills – Developing the learning process through critical thinking skills – College and career field trips – Collge fair at Lathrop – Community service – Team-building exercises All of which will help them set attainable goals for the future! Be ResponsibleBe SafeBe Respectful
Lathrop Intermediate AVID components Collaboration: learning how to work with others critical thinking (all core areas) critical reading and writing organization leadership college/career planning Be ResponsibleBe SafeBe Respectful
Lathrop Intermediate: AVID Tutorials Twice a week students are expected to bring specific questions (TRFs) from their core classes and work together in groups to solve them. Ideally there will be a tutor in each group to help guide students to higher leveling questioning and through their thinking process. Be ResponsibleBe SafeBe Respectful
Lathrop Intermediate: AVID Learning Logs Students are required to reflect on their learning in all core classes once a week. Be ResponsibleBe SafeBe Respectful
Lathrop Intermediate: AVID Organizational Skills/Binder Students will be expected to keep a 2" three- ring binder organized with all their notes and materials from their other classes. They will be taught how to organize the binder and it will be checked every Friday. Within the binder,they will be taking Cornell Style notes (C-notes, in which they will be taught how to interact,organize and study from) Be ResponsibleBe SafeBe Respectful
Lathrop Intermediate: AVID Critical Thinking Skills Twice a week, students will participate in activities designed to help them understand the learning process, such as: critical reading & writing, collaborative problem solving & discussion,goal setting/planning, and in-class projects. Be ResponsibleBe SafeBe Respectful
Lathrop Intermediate: AVID Community Service Students will be required to complete a variety of community service projects this year. Be ResponsibleBe SafeBe Respectful
Lathrop Intermediate: AVID Homework Homework will be assigned and must be returned by due date. After an absence, assignments may be made-up and turned in within one week. If a student was not absent, but fails to turn in an assignment, he or she may turn it in late within one week at a penalty of two points per day it is late. Be ResponsibleBe SafeBe Respectful
Lathrop Intermediate: AVID Grading Grading Scale: 90% and above=A 80%-89%=B 70-79%=C 60-69%=D 59% and below=F All AVID components will be included in grade calculation; Percentages will be explained during the first week of class. Be ResponsibleBe SafeBe Respectful
Lathrop Intermediate AVID Behavior Expectations Be ResponsibleBe SafeBe Respectful
Lathrop Intermediate: AVID Behavior Be ResponsibleBe SafeBe Respectful What is Class DOJO ?
Lathrop Intermediate AVID Parent Involvment Parents: We want YOU to get involved! Ask you child what he/she is learning in school. Get actively involved by asking to see your child’s agenda and homework. Check your student’s: – grades on Aeries Parent Portal – behavior on Class Dojo Be ResponsibleBe SafeBe Respectful
Lathrop Intermediate AVID Schoology What is Schoology? Schoology is a social media application for educators and students to promote academic conversations. Your child will be asked to create an account and join groups for each class. Assignments will be posted on Schoology. Students can communicate with teachers to get assistance and/or clarification on assignments. Be ResponsibleBe SafeBe Respectful
Lathrop Intermediate AVID Contract Must be signed by parent and student AVID Parents: WE NEED YOU! Be ResponsibleBe SafeBe Respectful