Art Review Test your knowledge!
Name that artist Michelangelo
What was responsible for the growth of the merchant class or Middle class? Growth in trade and industry
Name that artist Donatello
Name that artist Da Vinci
Give interesting history on this… Da Vinci code theories Jesus and his disciples having the Last Supper Fresco painting done with oil and tempera paints
Fill in the blank Artists, before the Renaissance, used to be thought of as _____________,not artists, mere employees of the church. Used to be thought of a Craftspeople
Name that artist Masaccio “The Tribute Money”
Fresco - A method of painting on or in wet plaster.
Name that artist Da Vinci
Give interesting history on this… Took 4 years to complete Contained over 300 figures Its centre nine episodes are from the Book of Genesis Painted with many scaffolds while lying on his back
Give interesting history on this… Cupola Dome built in 2 shells Linked ribs and supports are surrounded by interlocking brickwork which all work together to support dome 140 feet in diameter and 300 feet above the floor Created new uses of ramps and hoist to raise roof (unlike previous architects who looked at earlier structures for building concepts
Name that artist Michelangelo
What is this and who is the artist? Sculpted “Sacrifice of Isaac” panel Competition entry for the doors of baptistery of Florence Cathedral Made by Ghiberti
Give some interesting fact about this work… Depicts 3 different scenes in the same story (the Roman tax collectors and the tribute money found in a fishes mouth) First use of realistic perspective with fixed vanishing point Light source used is based on actual window in the room
Name that artist Ghiberti “Gates of Paradise” or “East doors of the baptistry of Florence Cathedral”
sfumato Painting technique which creates images obscured by a light haze an effect that allowed Leonardo to create a feeling of enormous depth
Name that artist Michelangelo
Give interesting history on this… From da Vinci’s journals Talks about proportion of man Writing in journals were done in mirror image
New philosophy Human intelligence seemed limitless Works of humans have value in themselves and were not in the service of the Church Arts, science, wisdom, knowledge and the earth itself were in the service of humanity humanism rejects the validity of transcendental justifications, such as a dependence on belief without reason, the supernatural, or text of allegedly divine origin. What is Humanism?
What technique was used to coat these doors in a thin layer of gold in order to save money? Gilding… Made of bronze and gilted gold
Name that artist Raphael
Give interesting history on this… Da Vinci His favorite painting and he carried it around with him his entire life Mystery of the smile? her image is quite similar to his own? Secret lover?
Give interesting history on this… First freestanding nude since ancient times Commissioned by Cosimo de Medici Designed to be seen from all angles Head was crowned with contemporary soldier headgear and laurel wreath combining ancient and contemporary traditions Foot is on top of Goliath's severed head
What effect did the growth in the middle class have on the arts? Increase in the arts –More money = More arts Also created a boom in education –More money = means to send your kids to school
Name that artist Sandro Botticelli
Name that artist Michelangelo
Masaccio Who is known for starting the ideas of visual perspective? Vanishing point
Fresco secco - A method of painting on dry plaster.
Where are these door by Ghiberti located? Florence Baptistery, Florence (Tuscany), Italy
Who are the Medicis? Rich and powerful family who gave lots of money to the arts.
Name that inventor The Printing press by Gutenberg
Fill in the blank “Birth of Venus” was one of the first Italian work made on _________ instead of panel “Birth of Venus” was one of the first Italian works on canvas instead of panel
Name that artist Botticelli's “The Adoration of the Magi” 1470’s. Tempera on Panel
What is a papal state? The Papal States comprised those territories over which the Pope was the ruler in a civil as well as a spiritual sense before
Name that artist Da Vinci
How long did it take to make these? 20 Years
Name that artist Raphael
How long did High Renaissance last? High renaissance only last 20 years but produced art that influenced European art for at least 3 centuries
Name that artist Da Vinci
He compiled pages of drawings and ideas How many sketches did Leonardo da Vinci do in his life time?
Name that artist Filippo Brunelleschi
Only 4% is estimated to still be original How much of the “Last Super” is estimated to still be original?
chiaroscuro Painted using the extreme contrast of dark and light
Give interesting history on this… Is located in St. Peters Basilica in Vatican City. The statue was commissioned for the French Cardinal Jena de Billheres, who was a representative in Rome. This famous work of art depicts the body of Jesus on the lap of his mother Mary after the Crucifixion.
Give interesting history on this… Perfect perspective details in building Fresco by Raphael Characters in the scene were modeled after famous artists and his friends/ family/ lovers
Give interesting history on this subject matter… “Birth of Venus” On the left, West Winds looking like angels push her towards land On the right, Spring is ready to toss a robe around Venus’ unclothed body Mythological scenes were considered metaphors for Christian ideas.