Renaissance Art
New Techniques Single point Perspective Fresco Oil Painting Chiaroscuro
Michelangelo Well known for his art, and notorious for his temper Lived and crafted for the glory of Florence
The Sistene Chapel Michelangelo was commissioned to repaint the ceiling by Pope Julius II in 1408 Later painted “the Last Judgement” over the altar
David Reflects Renaissance view of the glory of human form Emphasized heroism and strength
Leonardo DaVinci True Renaissance Man Artist, sculptor Weaponsmith, inventor, architect Study of anatomy Teacher
Mona Lisa
The Last Supper
Raphael Kind individual Not egocentric like many other artists of the time Used single point perspective technique
The School of Athens Linked the modern day with Classic times Painting included modern painters Leonardo and Michelangelo along with Ancient Greeks like Socrates and Plato